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Always cook meat to the proper temperature before you eat it, do not handle animal feces with bare hands, don't walk barefoot through pastures/manure.

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Q: How can humans protect themselves from tapeworms?
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Related questions

Are tapeworms useful to humans?

No. tapeworms are pest to humans.

How do tapeworms defend themselves?

They dont usually need to protect themselves, but when they do they play dead and bite when the threat gets close.

What can humans do to protect themselves if they believe that the ozone layer may not be protecting them enough?

Humans protect themselves by curbing CFC's. They are the ones that deplete ozone.

Do humans get tapeworms from dog's fleas or tapeworms segment?

Humans get tapeworms from dogs when they jump from hosts (the dog) to us (the humans) and for more information please check out this site. Also from eating some meats from animals that may have had it and not cooking it enough to kill and get rid of them!!

How can humans protect themselves from the force of hurricanes?

they just die

Do tapeworms live inside humans?

Yes for humans but No for Vampires

How can humans protect themselves from earthquakes?

Humans can protect themselves by preventing damage to their head and neck. You should hide under a sturdy table and or other protective structure.

How do salamanders protect themselves?

Only adult fire salamanders protect themselves by it's heavy toxic skin.There known dangerous to animals and humans.

Are tapeworms gutless?

Yes, Tapeworms are gutless due to the fact that tapeworms don't require a digestive system as they reside within the digestive system of humans or animals.

How do humans protect themselves in bush fires?

Put some water on it, what do you think?

How did the soviets protect themselves geographically from an invasion?

because humans are like monkeys

Relationship between humans and tapeworms?
