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Love should overcome everything shouldn't it?

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Q: How can i get over an infidelity issue one week before marriage i didn't know about?
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Is infidelity an issue in California divorces?

Infidelity is not an issue in a California Divorce. California is a no fault state.The court does not want to hear any evidence or information about infidelity unlessCustody is an issue and a parent's infidelity in some way directly impacts the best interests of the children.

Why is the issue of same-sex marriage left up to the states?

In the United States, the states have always regulated eligibility and validity of marriage. Only once before, in the issue of interracial marriage, did the federal government overrule states rights in this regard.

If a wife is cheating on her husband in Florida and they get divorced does he have to pay alimony?

Florida has no fault divorce. Infidelity is not an issue.

Is same-sex marriage a social issue?

Yes, in political terms, same-sex marriage is classified as a social issue, as is abortion. It is not primarily an economic issue, a health issue, an education issue, a national security issue, or a foreign policy issue.

Is teenage pregnancy a issue and why?

yes because a baby before marriage brings loads of problems example low self esteem

Was same-sex marriage legal in colonial America?

Same-sex marriage was not an issue in colonial America. At that time, it was assumed that marriage is between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage is actually a fairly recent issue.

What issue did most of the nations founders agree?

they didnt agree on anything.

Is the last will made before marriage and the executor so named in the will still effective in the state of Texas and what are the rights of surviving spouse with out a will?

In many jurisdictions, a will made prior to marriage is considered void and the intestate laws will be applied. Typically, if there are no issue from the deceased, the spouse will inherit everything. If there are issue, the estate is split between the spouse and the children.

Can a same-sex couple send off for a marriage license by mail?

No. Any couple seeking to be married must personally appear before an authority authorized to issue a marriage license. For same-sex couples, that means you must both be physically present in a jurisdiction where same-sex marriage is legal when obtaining a marriage license.

What issue did most of the nation's founders agree upon?

they didnt agree on anything.

Why won't he marry me when he has loved me for 30 years?

Maybe he has a commitment issue to marriage. Has he been married before and had it end badly? Talk to him, but try to listen to his point of view!

What is the averaged years to get help in a troubled marriage?

there is no set rules on how many years before you seek help.. if you feel there is a problem in a marriage, talk to your husband or wife, and try to resolve the issue by communicating.. if this is going no where, then get a professional help.. this helps a lot!!