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Generally you cannot, even if it turns out you are not the father in 20 states. If this is a retroactive order, you could have been served with them any time before the child turned 23 years old. see links below

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Q: How can i have child support arrearages removed when they were technically ordered by publication and not by personal served?
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That is not a legal option. Tax refunds are subject to 'automatic' seizure only for tax arrearages, federally funded student loans and court ordered child support arrearages.

Can a judgment take your tax refund?

AnswerThe IRS only seizes personal tax refunds when there are tax arrearages or court ordered child support arrearages.The IRS does not have the power to withhold personal tax refunds for creditor judgments.ACTUALLY THE IRS CAN HOLD YOUR REFUND FOR CREDITOR JUGDEMENT DEPENDING ON THE AMOUNT OF THE DEBT AND IF THE CREDITOR CONTACTED THEM THE YEAR BEFORE IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE TYPE OF CREDITOR

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Its about half-way acceptable, and certainly better than not paying any at all. If there have been changes to your income or other relevant changes, you should petition the court to reconsider the amount of payments. Otherwise you will be building arrearages and will be in contempt of a court order.

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Court ordered child support, spousal maintenance, federal or state taxes, a court ordered restitution for personal injury and/or property damage.

Would a mother have to pay 6500 in back child support if she is awarded custody of the two children who are now in their father's custody?

Yes. The arrearages would be due regardless of whether the mother is awarded joint or full custodial rights. The judge would have the option of offsetting the arrearages if custody is altered and the father is ordered to pay support, or take other similar action. Additionally, in such cases, the judge will refuse to rule on custodial issues until the arrearages are paid or resolved to the satisfaction of the court. It is also possible that the judge could sentence the delinquent parent to jail time and/or seize property or ganish the income of the delinquent parent to pay the arrearages. Unless the custodial father voluntarily relinquishes his custodial rights or the court has reason to believe he is incapable of parenting, the mother has very little chance of being awarded custody as she has demonstrated a lack of responsibility to her children by her failure to honor her financial obligations.

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Technically there is no statute of limitations. Unless specifically grandfathered, it could be ordered to be restored to the previous state.

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When can a federal tax return be seized for debt?

Federal tax refunds can be seized by the IRS for tax arrearages without the normal legal procedures being used. Federal and state tax refunds can be seized by a state child enforcement agency for court ordered child support arrearages. Tax refunds cannot be seized for creditor debt, for example, a judgment for non payment of a credit card account. But, once the refund is placed in a bank account it can be subject to levy by a judgment creditor. The Federal Government can also offset your federal tax refund to pay a student loan debt.

Can you sue for back child support that is not court ordered?

No, before a suit for arrearages can be filed there must be a valid support order in place. The custodial parent can file for support according to the laws of the state in which he or she resides. If the order is granted the court will determine at that time whether or not any arrearages are applicable.

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