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Smoking does not cause gingivitis, but it does set the stage for gingivitis to move in and take over your mouth and gums by creating an abnormal Ph imbalance. The acidic condition caused by smoking destroys the naturally healthy Ph levels that normally protect gum tissues from gingivitis. If you are a smoker, you can help restore normal Ph by using baking soda based tooth-paste, and mouthwashes to protect your gums. When you quit smoking your mouth will naturally return to the correct Ph to protect you from gingivitis. Oral acidosis also hastens enamel breakdown and tooth decay. Even if it is not caused by smoking, acidosis creates a friendly environment for gingivitis. See: Hydrogen Peroxide mouthwash and gignivitis. Contributed by: Carla Heine in Haunted Sonoma.


Smoking does not 'cause' gingivitis. However, it is what we call a 'risk factor'. That means that smoking increases the likelihood that you will develop some form of gum disease.

Several years ago the American Academy of Periodontology published a study that found smoking was the primary risk factor for developing advanced or severe gum disease (periodontitis). The study found that 53% of adults who had severe gum disease were either current or past smokers.

Other risk factors include Diabetes, poor oral hygiene, genetic predisposition, age, certain medications, hormonal fluctuations, and inadequate nutrition.

Smoking works against oral health on a number of levels:

Smoking tends to dry out the oral tissues, reducing salivary flow. Saliva contains enzymes and electrolytes that help maintain proper pH.

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. This reduces blood flow to the oral tissues causing a reduction in oxygen and vital nutrients needed by the tissues and cells.

Nicotine is toxic to cells called fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are cells that grow and replace worn out collagen (connective tissue). Consequently, there tends to be a net loss of connective tissue in the gingiva and bones of smokers.

It has also been found that nicotine tends to up-regulate the inflammatory mediators that destroy periodontal attachment in gum disease. This means the body's immune system tends to be over exuberant in its attempts to defend itself against bacterial infection. This results in more tissue destruction when compared to non-smokers.

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