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The answer to this very complicated question is both yes and no. My father was only 56 years old and had won the battle over stage 4 colon cancer when he went to the doctors office for a simple procedure he had had done several times before. This time was different - he went into cardiac arrest and his heart wasn't able to be started for over 20 min. He was pronounced brain dead. His body otherwise was healthy including his heart. He was brain dead because his heart had quit beating for 20 minutes and therefore his brain went without oxygen for 20 minutes thus causing him to become brain dead. He was on a ventilator for 48 hours and the doctor said even if he were to wake up right then he would not know anything or anyone. So basically be a vegetable. I know my father would not want to live this way. The doctors gave us a choice and we chose to take him off the ventilator and he passed away peacefully in about 5 minutes. Until then, his body was alive but his brain was dead.

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Someone can be kept alive by machines if they are brain dead because these machines can help maintain bodily functions such as breathing and heartbeat. However, without brain activity, the person is no longer conscious and cannot recover from this state.

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Q: How can someone be alive if they're brain dead?
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Can you be alive but be dead at the same time?

Yes, if you include someone who is "brain-dead" . This would be synonymous with a vegetative state, where a persons vital functions of circulation and respiration are maintained by the medulla oblongata. Higher thinking functions and awareness controlled by the cerebral cortex is missing. Unlike someone in a coma, consciousness and self awareness beyond simple reaction to environmental stimuli do not return in a person in this state. Also, individuals in drowning situations where hypothermia lowers body temperature have been resuscitated even after an hour underwater , since lower temperatures have prevented oxidative processes from degrading the tissues.

Why can't dead people be revived?

Once a person's heart stops beating, delivering oxygen and nutrients to their cells ceases, resulting in irreversible damage. The brain suffers particularly quickly, leading to permanent loss of function. Current medical technology is unable to reverse this extensive damage, making it impossible to revive someone who has died.

What do you think of the possibility that with future technology we will live forever and resurrect the dead?

Not going to happen ever. We may see the time when humans can live over 100 on average but to live forever is impossible. Your body wears out, and that is the nature of things. No way will technology ever be able to keep us alive forever. As far as raising the dead only God can do that. Once you are dead you are dead and no technology can alter that state. You are brain dead in just 4 to 6 minutes after your heart stops beating. Once the brain is dead you are dead and nothing can change that. That cannot be reversed period.

What is the time frame for brain death due to lack of oxygen?

Brain death due to lack of oxygen can occur within minutes, typically 4-6 minutes, after the brain is deprived of oxygen. The exact time frame can vary depending on factors such as the individual's health, age, and the cause of oxygen deprivation. Immediate medical intervention is crucial to prevent irreversible brain damage.

Is Robert Munch dead?

No, Robert Munsch is still alive. He was born on June 11, 1945, and continues to write children's books.