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Because, wherever you are at that time, it is only nighttime for there. The sun is shining onto the other side of the Earth. At the same time some of its rays are hitting the Moon, having passed by the Earth.

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Q: How can the moon be bathed in sunlight when it is night time for us?
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Why did the moon shine when there was utter darkness in the sky?

The light form the moon is sunlight reflected from the moon's surface when sunlight fall onto it. Thus while you are in the Earth's shadow (night time) the moon is not. :)

Which stage of the moon receives sunlight away from the moon?

Our moon is always 100 per cent lit from the Sun on one side (the moon's daylight) but not lit on the opposite side (the moon's night time) The side of the moon that is in sunlight is not always pointing toward us here on Earth, though.For instance, for the small amount of time that the moon is 'dark', its "night time" is pointing directly toward Earth, and its "day time" is pointed directly away from Earth.In between the dark moon and the 'full' moon described above, we see the various 'phases' of the moon.

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During a new moon, the side of the moon that is illuminated by sunlight is facing away from Earth so that the dark side of the moon is facing Earth. However, during a total solar eclipse (and with protective gear for your eyes) you can see the moon at the time of new moon. You will see the night time face of the moon without any detail at all.

Why can you see the moon at night?

The sun shines to the moon at night time

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Night time.

Does the moon have daytime and nighttime?

Yes, it can be argued that Moon has a day time and night time. Day time is when the moon is shining bright above the sky, night time is when the moon is dark. Hence the term "Dark Side of the Moon".

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When do you see a moon?

you see the moon at night time dummys

What is it called when sunlight shines on the far side of the moon?

Crescent moon OR new moon. Actually any time except a full moon.

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Why does the Moon glow when its night time?

The moon can be seen in both daylight and the night sky, which depends on the phase of the moon. The moon appears to be brighter and glow in darkness because the level of light in the sky is less than of the moon. One common misconception about the moon is that it produces it's own light - scientists know this is true since it reflects different amounts of sunlight as it orbits the Earth (this is also why the moon appears to "change shape").

When the entire side of the moon facing the earth is bathed in sunlight the moon is said to be?

The lighted part of the moon always faces in the direction of the sun.(Hint: That's how it becomes lighted.)When the lighted part of the moon faces in the direction of the earth,the moon is Full ... at least as far as we on earth are concerned.