

How can the opaque property of wood help?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How can the opaque property of wood help?
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Is wood opaque?

Opaque is a word that refers to something not being see through. Since wood is not see through, it cannot be called opaque.

Is wood an opaque object?

Yes it is, if it is thick enough so that no light makes it through. Under ordinary circumstances, wood is opaque.

What things are opaque?

things that are opaque are things that we cannot see through

Matter that does not transmit any light is what?

Opaque Materials, such as wood or steel, do not transmit light, accept in the case of a few Physicists, today, claiming that they have, in fact, transmitted light rays through different "holes" in different kinds of opaque materials.

What are opaque objects in daily life?

metal and wood

Is wood transparent opaque or translucent?

Opaque means when an object does not allow light to pass through.

Examples of opaque objects?

Answer -Examples of Opaque Objects-wood, leather, rubber, iron, gold etc.

What is one difference between wood and plastic?

The difference between wood and plastic is that the wood is opaque and the plastic is transparent.

What word is it when light can't pass through a block of wood?

You would say that the wood is opaque.

Opaque mixture of pigments dissolved in linseed oil applied to a panel?

An opaque mixture of pigments dissolved in linseed oil and applied to a panel is called a stain. Stains come in a variety of colors and are used to help protect wood from rotting.

What are four opaque examples?

cardboard. wood, metal, plastic(some).

What is the optical property of a container of undeveloped roll of film?

It should be opaque