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Well I am very sorry to hear that. You really need to focus on school and get a good education so you can support this child in the future. You need to take care of yourself very well, you need to eat 3 or more meals a day, you should take perential vitamins, you can read or even sing to your belly, you need to not smoke or do any type of drug or alcohol, your baby is living off you you need to put good things into your body. Good Luck! HII don't know if you are trying to avoid pregnancy or terminate one? There is a method which must be used before 8 weeks gestation where you take 1000mcg of Vitamin C every hour on the hour for 10 hours. If you haven't started to miscarry by then you eat a tablespoon of fresh crushed ginger. This is very common where I come from along with hot baths in curry and chilli powder. But do some research. My friend used this method (vitamin C) and did start to miscarry but ended up in hospital having the foetus removed with forceps so it will not necessarily still be a secret and you may need to seek medical help. I combined the use of Vitamin C with Vitex (it has a second word but I can't remember it), a natural product bought from a health food shop and used to regulate periods and reduce pain. My friend was told to use it after she had an abortion to help her body clean everything out more efficiently. Vitex is contraindicated in pregnancy so I took large doses until I had an extremely heavy and uncomfortable period.

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Q: How can you control your pregnancy if you're a college student and can't go to the doctor in your country for this purpose?
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