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Only the eye muscle is required, once you have stared at a picture of Adrienne- your jaw line will start to feel insecure and thrive to improve via defining itself.

You could also:

1. Tip neck backwards and look up towards the ceiling. With the mouth opened as wide as you can possibly make it (think "size of an orange"), raise and lower te lower jaw in an open-and-close motion 12 times. Now relax your mouth and neck back to center, and tip the neck backwards again to the left, so that you are looking up towards the ceiling on an angle. Repeat the above exercise 12 times in this position. Then relax your face and neck back to center, and tip the neck backwards to the right, so that you are looking up towards the ceiling on the reversed angle. Repeat the exercise again 12 times, and relax. Accomplish these 3 sets of 12 once daily.

2. Cover your upper lip with your lower lip. Tip head back, so that you are looking up at the ceiling, and force a smile with our lower lip, stretching the corners of the mouth tpwards the ears for a count of 5 secounds. Relax the face and neck to center, and repeat. Do this 5 times. As you accomplish this exercise once daily, you will begin to see results in one week's time.

Good luck, dear friend.

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