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You can determine a source's biases by the tone they use and certain words as well.


In order to decide whether a source is biased you generally need some knowledge of the subject, including the background.

A useful clue is to work out if the source is obsessed with 'pushing' on particular point of view. A source that tends to come back to the same issues again and again should be treated with caution.

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Q: How can you determine a source's biases and why is it important to consider a source's biases?
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Personal opinions and biases are not important when writing a biography as the goal is to provide an accurate and objective account of the subject's life and achievements.

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Yes, determining a source's bias can be difficult because biases can be subtle or implicit. When critically reading and analyzing a source, common difficulties include identifying underlying assumptions, separating facts from opinions, and recognizing the influence of language or tone on the message. It is important to approach sources with a critical mindset and consider multiple perspectives.

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