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A cactus plant may grow faster by attention to its differing needs during the growing and dormant seasons. For example, a cactus plant responds well to regular fertilizing and watering while it's growing. The regular application of fertilizer and water tends to work best if carried out every 10-14 days. At the same time, a cactus plant tends to prefer to go without water during dormancy.

An important precaution in any season is the avoidance of cold and damp. Cactus plants don't like waterlogging, which rots and kills the tissue. Neither do they like chilly temperatures.

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Q: How can you get a cactus to grow faster?
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Can cactus grow in soil?

I think a cactus can grow in soil. I think a cactus can grow in soil.

Why does a cactus grow so slowly?

Well, I am not 100% sure on this but it's what I'm assuming. I mostly think it is because they grow in very, very hot countries that only has rain every now and again. If you look at other plants that have an equal amount of sun and rain they grow faster. However, cactus' don't. They are specifically built to survive in very hot conditions that barely has any rain. Therefore, cactus' don't have as much rain to grow faster.

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If you want flowers to grow on your cactus you are supposed to water your cactus.

How do you grow cactus seeds in minecraft pocket edition?

You put the cactus on sand. There is no seed required. Also know they cannot grow right next to each other.

Can you grow cactus in mine craft pocket edition?

Yes you can grow cactus in mine craft Pocket edition ,cuz I have a cactus farm

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Where do cactus grow?


Where do cactus's grow?


What kind of flowers grow on a cactus?

They are actually called 'Cactus Flowers'

Why do cactus grow where it's dry?

Cactus don't grow where it is dry, but grow in areas where the periods between rains are long and cactus will store water in their stem to survive these periods. To get a get cactus flowering just keep it dry for 3 months and then give them a lot of water. This will give nature back to the cactus.