

How can you get rid of ticks on dogs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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1. First if it is in an area that won't hurt the dog use tweezers. Tweezers with a pointed tip work best. Make sure you put them nearest to the skin by the lodged head of the tick, squeeze the front and pull back. Do not snatch. This can leave the head behind. Use a slow and steady pull. It may take a minute for the tick to release its jaws. You should get the tick with a piece of skin in its mouth. This is a good thing! It means that the tick most likely will not infect your dog with whatever disease it might be carrying. Keep an eye on the area for several days after removal. If a rash or a bullseye looking ring appears, a vet will be needed.

2. If the tick is big, bring your dog to veterinarians so they can help. With bigger ticks it is better to let the experts handle it. You don't want to infect your dog with the ticks diseases. Also, a larger tick likely means that the tick has been there a bit longer. After the first 24 hours, likelihood of Lyme's disease transmission increases.

3. If it is in a bad spot for pulling off, say the privates, near the eyes, near the nose, in the ear, or anywhere that might cause your dog pain. :-C You will need to take your dog to a specialist (vet) to help your dog out.

IMPORTANT! : If you have a big dog you will need multiple persons to pull the tick off safely! For smaller dogs a muzzle may be all you need. For big dogs you may need a muzzle, and 2 other people to hold your dog still. Please try to stop your dog from squirming to help remove ticks safely.

Also, if you live an area that your dog is frequently picking up ticks, you should ask your vet about prevention. Products such as Frontline or Advantix are usually effective.

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