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1st try to drain all the water or cool down the sunburn then when its all clear w8 some then it should be done if its not i cant help u bro

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Q: How can you get your sense of smell back after losing it from so much water going up the nose or a sunburn burning the nose?
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What will happen if a element burns?

"Burning" in the conventional sense is combining with Oxygen. The element would liberate heat and leave as residue, oxides of itself.

Is nose least important sense organ?

No, to me the sense of smell is important. If the house was burning down and you in another room if you had no sense of smell you would have to go on your other senses to figure it out. If you didn't have a sense of smell how would you know if you stink, that would suck if your on a date and your date leaves you because you smell "rank." Your sense of taste seems less important to me, if you think about it living without taste isn't bad as you not being able to see, touch, hear, and smell. All in all you need your sense of smell to coexist in everyday life.

Does flower pollen smell?

yes, you can smell it in the air. It smells like a smouldering burning smell.

What is it like to lose a sense?

It's kind of like losing a limb. It sucks. Trust me, I know from experience, I have lost my right arm to whaling and my sense of smell due to sniffing my cousins armpit too much. Life without a sense is really tough and you never want to experience it. I now have a smelling aid surgically inserted into my nose, it hurts a lot, but it's worth the miracle of smell.

Which type of neurone transmits a signal from a sense organ to the central nervous system?

like say this if you put your hand on top of a burning candle the heat will burn your hand and your nerve system will feel it and then it will send a signal up from your hand to your spinal cord and then the massage from your spinal cord will get sent up to your brain telling it what has happened and then the brain will send another massage down our spinal cord into your hand which will tell your muscle to lift up your arm away from the burning candle

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disadvantages of losing sense of sight

What are the disadvantages of losing your culture Languages going extinct?

No one around you could understand you. You could lose your sense of self.

Can humans sense ultraviolet rays?

No, but it is these rays that cause sunburn in humans with pale skin.

Would a market umbrella help prevent sunburn?

Yes, a market umbrella can be a great help in preventing sunburn. Because sunburn is caused by exposure to the sun, a person can prevent sunburn by reducing this exposure. Sitting under a market umbrella will limit only sun exposure--not your sense of adventure!

What are the disadvantages of losing your sense of sight?

1. some vertigo 2. a sense of sensory deprivation since all six senses are linked through synæsthesia 3. increased reliance on proprioception to navigate in low or absent illumination 4. a feeling of peace

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What is the Meaning of the idiomatic expression 'up in smoke'?

The image is of something burning up, going up as ashes and smoke. It means whatever you're talking about is gone and can never be returned. You hear this used mostly in the sense of dreams or goals "going up in smoke."

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What does losing sense of time mean?

To be captivated so much that you oblivious to the passing of time.

Who was struck by a log from truck and lost their sense of smell?

There is no information about a person being struck by a log and losing his sense of smell. Perhaps this was a fictitious story.