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A predicate adjective follows a linking verb. The easy way to recognize a linking verb is that a linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject, or the subject becomes the object. Some common linking verbs are seem, feel, and any form of be.


I am sick.

Bob feels sick.

You seem sick.

Barb got sick.

In all the examples, sick is the predicate adjective.

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Polly Brekke

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2y ago
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13y ago

Ask what is the subject doing?

Look for a word that shows action.

Look for common verb endings like -ing or -ed, or if you can add -ing to a word, it is probably a verb.

The predicate usually comes after the subject.

There may be more than one predicate in a sentence.

Words like is, was, are, am, was, were, has, have, had, seems (linking verbs) will always be at least part of the predicate.

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8y ago

A predicate nominative is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.

A pronoun functioning as a predicate nominative is a nominative case pronoun.

Example: The winner of the trophy was she. (winner = she)

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9y ago

The predicate of the sentence is the part of a sentence that includes the verb and the words following it. The predicate pronoun is any pronoun that is part of the predicate. Examples:

Direct object of the verb: John drove itlike a pro.

Indirect object of the verb: We gave her a party.

Object of the preposition: Mary made a cake for me.

Note that a subjective pronoun when it is the subject of a clause can be part of a predicate; for example:

Mary brought a cake she made for the party.

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10y ago

A Subject Pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence or as a predicate pronoun after a linking verb.

The football program was a great success. Itgot us to the state championship.

A Predicate is the part of a sentence that asserts or denies from

the subject of the sentence:

Henry and Joonare going insane.

(subject) (predicate)

Examples of Subject Pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it (singular) and also we, you, they (plural)

A predicate pronoun is a pronoun that follows the

linking verb and identifies the subject of the


• The biggest supporters were she and I.

• The greatest football players were they.

• The first player on the field was him.

The difference between subject pronouns and predicate pronouns is where they are placed in the sentence. Predicate pronouns are found in the second half of the sentance (in the predicate) while subject pronouns in the first half.

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11y ago

You can identify a pronoun in a sentence by understanding what a pronoun is and learning them.

  • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.
  • The most frequently used pronouns are the personal pronouns. A personal pronoun takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.
  • The personal pronouns are: I, you, we, he, she, it, me, us, him, her, they, them.

The pronoun's antecedent is the noun or pronoun that the pronoun is replacing in the sentence. The antecedent may be in the same sentence, in a previous sentence, or not mentioned at all. The antecedent may be understood by the speaker and the one spoken to; for example:

  • An antecedent is seldom used for the first person pronouns I, me, we, and us.
  • An antecedent may not be used for the second person pronoun you.
  • An antecedent may not be used when the speaker and the person spoken to have previously mentioned the person or thing; are looking at the person or thing; are using body language or gestures to refer to the person or thing.


I saw the posting for this job and Iknew it was right for me.

The noun 'job' is the antecedent for the pronoun 'it', but the pronouns 'I' and 'me' don't require an antecedent.

John is my brother. He is a student at the university. I miss him when he is away.

The noun 'John' is the antecedent for all the uses of the pronouns 'he' and 'him'.

Mom and dad are coming. I told them to be here at two, but they are always a bit early.

The compound subject 'mom and dad' is the antecedent for the plural pronouns 'they' and 'them'.

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13y ago

A good rule of thumb is to first find the kernel of the sentence, the bare bones. Then, locate and identify the predicate. The predicate is ALWAYS a verb of some sort. A verb is a word that shows action or state of being; jump, walk, talk, is, thought, yelled, greets, etc. Once you've found the verb, the predicate nominative or (predicate noun) and the predicate adjective usually FOLLOW the verb, and they'll usually be close by, but not always. You can ALWAYS relate the predicate nominative and adjective to the SUBJECT of the sentence. So if you've found a likely word, but it doesn't make sense when you apply it to the subject, it's probably not the predicate nominative or adjective. Find another word.

Example #1

Unlike Gus, who is always grouchy, his brother John is always and ever content.

John is content. Content is an adjective. Content is the predicate adjective.

Example #2

John, not Ted, is my one and only, unforgettable dad.

John is my dad. Dad is a noun. Dad is the predicate nominative.

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7y ago

The objective pronouns may be called 'predicate pronouns', however that can be misleading. A predicate is the verb and all of the words that follow it that are related to that verb. An objective pronoun can be related to the subject of the sentence. Any pronoun may be part of the predicate.

The objective pronouns are: me, us, him, her, them, whom.

The pronouns that can function as subject and object are: you, it.

Example: The man with him is his brother.

The objective pronoun 'him' (object of the preposition 'with') relates to the subject 'man'.

The predicate in the sentence is: is his brother.

Note the pronoun 'his' is a part of the predicate. The pronoun 'his' is the possessive adjective form.

Example: The customer for whom I made this cake will pick it up at ten.

The objective pronoun 'whom' (object of the preposition 'for') relates to the subject 'customer'.

The predicates in the sentence are:

  • made this cake
  • will pick it up at ten
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12y ago

A predicate nominative pronoun occurs with a copula ("linking") verb. For example It is I. Many speakers habitually put predicate nominatives into the objective case, saying for example It is me. This is allowed in speech but not in writing.

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8y ago

The predicate pronoun is a pronoun coming after the verb.

An example would be "The dog belongs to him"

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