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There are numerous ways to extract Morphine and Codeine alkaloids from Poppy Seeds.

One method is smoking. You can create home-made opiate extract from as little as 1 pound of poppy seeds. First pour your seeds into a pan with water, and begin to boil. Let it boil until the water is half gone. Then strain out the seeds, and begin boiling again. This time, boil until all the water is gone, and there is a tar looking substance at the bottom of the pan. Get a razor blade and scrape it off the bottom, let dry for at least 12 hours. You can then hot-knife the extract, or load some in a bong with cannabis.

The other method is ingesting it orally in a tea. You can use a cold water extraction, or a hot water extraction. For cold water, pour the desired amount of seeds (300g plenty for one person) into a cup of cold water. Let the seeds sit for a few hours, shake occasionally. Strain the seeds, and drink the liquid. For the hot water extraction, pour desired amount of seeds into boiling water, let sit for 20 minutes, then strain seeds, let water cool, drink the water.

*Remember to slightly acidify the water before adding the seeds. You want a pH of about 6.5. You can do this with some lemon juice or lime juice.


The "high" of the tea has been described as very similar to most opiates. Euphoria, relaxation, sense of well being, happiness, and sedation are all common effects of the tea.


A dosage for a moderate strength tea would roughly 300 grams. Remember, tolerance plays a large role in dosage, if its your first time with Opiates, start with 200 grams. A dosage for an extremely powerful tea would be 1.5 pounds (700 grams.) Do not exceed 3 pounds (1300 grams.) A young man died from consuming 3.5 pounds of seeds in a tea, and he had a fairly large tolerance, so please be careful.


These tea extracts are dangerous. There is no real way to tell the potency of a seed batch, so tea strengths can vary. Remember, there are two VERY powerful alkaloids in this tea, MORPHINE, and CODEINE. Morphine is deadly at too high of doses, a kid actually died from making a poppy seed tea, he had a lethal level of Morphine in his bloodstream.

This tea is ADDICTING! Its basically Morphine tea, so don't be surprised when you start making impulsive trips to the grocery store to get poppy seeds, this is a REAL drug, with REAL dangers.

Signs of Morphine Overdose:

  • cold clammy skin
  • flaccid muscles
  • fluid in the lungs
  • lowered blood pressure
  • "pinpoint" or dilated pupils
  • sleepiness
  • stupor
  • coma
  • slowed breathing
  • difficulty breathing
  • slow pulse rate
  • bluish colored fingernails and lips
  • spasms of the stomach and/or intestinal tract
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • palpitations
  • drowsiness
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12y ago
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15y ago

take two pods of poppy, grind them then boil two cups of water and when the water is boiling add the grinded poppy. let it cool for about 15 minutes then filter out the grinded poppy. drink the tea. enjoy and don't overdose yourself.

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11y ago

Well of course you can ! if your looking to

get your self a one way ticket to abscesses

and heart attack.

the thing with poppy seed tea is that it has numerous

plant cells in it and other organic matter, so..once it

is injected into the body (intra muscular) it will take about

20 minutes or so to have effect, after a few days a huge abscess

will form, kinda like having staff infection, also the organic matter

goes into the blood stream and into the heart, where it can either

cause more infection and make the heart over work it self to finally

pushing the mass out into the body resulting in a clot of infectious tissue

or it clots up an artery (very bad im sure).

if injected directly into a vein you avoid the whole abscess issue

yet you still must be concerned with clotting and internal infection

within the pulmonary system.

BE SMART....dont inject organic matter.

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Q: How do you make opium tea from poppy seeds?
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Where would you buy opium poppy seeds?

In short, yes. With poppy seeds you can grow the opium poppy plant but, that will not give you opium right away. Once the plant has grown you must extract the opium from the poppy in order to have raw opium. Note: you must have special seeds and I'll leave it at that. It should be noted that while many governments may allow the growing of any poppies when done in a way that's obviously only ornamental, that any attempt to actually harvest opium, even a tiny amount, from poppies is a felony in the United States and many other countries.

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No opium "incense" can not get you high. Your best bet is to buy a few bottles of spice rack poppy seeds and either do a simple water extraction and let it evaporate to yield a smoke-able substance or eat the seeds, or drink the tea. the incense will harm your lungs, severely. sources...bluelight, mycotopia, drugs-forum, wikipedia, google and merck maual 14th edition.

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How much opium tea must be drank the feel the effects?

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Is there an hebal hydrocodone?

It's not hydrocodone, but it's herbal: opium tea. Opium tea is brewed from the straw of broken up pods of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. The brew contains the natural opiates morphine and codeine, among other natural compounds that cause various effects, which can include nausea and other adverse GI effects including constipation due to smooth muscle relaxation.

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Goods that the Europeans desired from China?

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HOW to prepare nutmeg and poppy seeds as drugs?

Nutmeg can be eaten plain- just grind it up if it isn't already that way. It can be mixed into drinks or just ingested straight up. I recommend mixing it with milk, sugar, cloves and cinnamon (reminiscent of eggnog :]) As for poppy seeds, people generally boil them into a tea.