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Great question but I want to give you a simple answer. What science says about boy or girl birth is right, but you can't apply that at the time of sex. You have option of ultrasound only, where you can confirm to whom you are feeding in your stomach. To date, no method of insuring the sex of a baby has been found. There are some diets that supposedly increase the probability, and there are some methods of artificial insemination that have been tried with varying degrees of success. The reality is that there is no way to pick the sex of your child. The above posters are correct. My girlfriend's son and his wife had their second boy and both were C-sections. They have now decided they want a girl and have decided to adopt instead of trying for a girl. Adoption is a good way to go and gives some child a good home with love in it. Some people may think there will be many problems adopting a child and that child being devoted to family, but, my niece is adopted (is 40 years old now) and the other children in her family 1 brother and 2 sisters aren't as devoted to their parents as she is. She also told me she doesn't care who her biological parents are and is quite content with the adoptive parents (her parents as she calls them.)

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17y ago
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The male carries the gene for a boy or girl baby, not the girl

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15y ago

There is no way to guarantee that your offspring will be male or female, other than in vitro fertilization and genetic testing to determine that only males are implanted.

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