

How can you kill the weed in your blood?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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You cannot necessarily KILL the THC [Tetrahydrocannabinol (the active chemical in Cannabis)]. The most you can do is remove it from your body through detoxification. There are a couple of ways to do this:

1) Natural detoxification - let your body remove the THC naturally. As of the amount of days it will take to do this, that depends on how much you use Cannabis. If you are a heavy user (if you use it more often than most people), it will be in your system for a maximum of 45 days. But, when it comes down to it, what really matters on "killing" the THC is your body. If you are active and work out quite a bit, the THC MAY leave your system more quickly. Again this depends on your body. THC attaches to fats (i.e. butter, oils, BODY FAT), so keeping fit (as I've been told) helps rid your system of the THC. I've also been told that drinking a lot of water, along with working out, will help to speed up the process, but don't count on my word alone.

2) Diet/Detoxification supplements - special pills and drinks designed to remove unfamiliar chemicals from the human body. First off, let me say that this is a quick, easy way to rid your system of THC, BUT is also harmful towards your body. Usually, these pills and drinks consist of ingredients that raise blood pressure, which is never safe for your body. Also if you are trying to pass a drug test, some tests pick up a hormone that is released while using these supplements. The tester then knows the testee most likely took some sort of detoxification supplement to hide the truth. Also, some of these supplements can cause even more harm. I've been told many personal stories of friends using these, each ending horribly. One of my friends became constipated the day after, leaving them in pain for a day or two. Another friend's skin became bright red and they said that their skin felt like it was on fire. We wondered if it was an allergic reaction, so another friend tried it and the same thing occurred. Therefore, diet/detoxification supplements, though work, aren't the best idea.

Overall, the natural way works best.

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