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Wikipedia is a great website that offers a ton of information on the history of personal computers. There are many other websites that include information about personal computers also.

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What statement is true about personal computers in the 1990's?

personal computers were more affordable (apex)

What about personal computers in the 1990s is TRUE?

personal computers were more affordable. -apex

What were personal computers in the 1990s?

They where more affordable

How did the computer use change during the 1990?

Computers became common in homes.

More reasons why computers are good?

computers are good because you can learn on them and do home schooling

How efficient are personal computers?

Because of dramatic improvements in computer components and manufacturing, personal computers do more than the largest computers of the mid-1960s at a fraction of the cost.

PDAs are also known as what type of computers?

no there not there more of personal organsers. stands for "personal digital assistant"

What are some places to learn about computers to improve your literacy?

There are several courses that you can take to learn more about using computers. Some of the places to improve your literacy include: i-lead, and libraryliteracy.

How did computers change in the 1990s?

It changed the size, speed and capacity of computers. A computer that fits in a watch once filled several rooms.

How do you learn computer?

The best way is to do classes in computers. You could also get someone who knows about computers to show you things. You could also buy some books about computers. You can also teach yourself. The subject of computers covers a huge range, so you need to start at basics. As you use computers more, you will learn.

What are the financial profit gained by personal computers?

You can do more in less time. Time is money.

What are the benefits of kids having their own computer?

So that they know how computers work will be able to more easily learn how the computers of the future will work.