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There is a simple pneumonic to remember:





I would use a sterile pad, apply it to the wound and wrap a roller bandage around for pressure. If the bleeding is on a limb it is easier to elevate.

If the bleeding seeps through the bandage-apply another roller bandage over top. If this still doesnt work, you may have to redo the dressing totally in a better position.

The ambulance should be called if the bleeding cannot be controlled.

Small cuts and scrapes can be cleaned and bandaged or a clotting agent can be applied to speed closing of a small wound.

Larger bleeding injuries will require direct pressure to the wound and continued monitoring to determine if stitches or medical attention is required.

Arterial bleeding (bright red blood pulsing or spurting from the wound) may also be controlled by applying pressure the wound using gauze, adding new gauze until the blood stops soaking through and then wrapping the gauze in place with an elasticized bandage that can maintain pressure on the wound.

There is no substitute for basic training in first aid and practice. Properly gauging the extent of the injury, controlling the bleeding and making a quick determination of whether an emergency response is needed are critical skills.

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9y ago

To prevent spot bleeding a woman should look into regulating her menstrual cycle through use of Birth Control pills. Dietary changes such as increased intake of iron will also have an effect on any spot bleeding.

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13y ago

put pressure on the wound. Say you fell and scraped your knee, first you get a wet paper towel and clean up as much as possible and then get a dry towel then hold it on your wound applying a little pressure on it for about 5-10 minutes and you should be good

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13y ago

This depends on the size, type, and depth of the wound, and if a major blood vessel is involved. Prompt professional medical care is the best suggestion for any severe injury.

You can stop bleeding from punctures, bites, lacerations, or varicose veins by simply applying direct pressure with your finger, hand, or any non-absorbent material. Do not use towels or other cloths because you will delay clotting. Do not remove loose skin or damaged tissue.

If you suspect a major blood vessel is cut, call 911 or try to reach the nearest medical facility immediately. For a lower arm or leg, you can apply a tourniquet by tightly wrapping cloth above the wound, releasing it every 5 minutes for a few seconds. Broken bones should be immobilized in place without trying to reset the fracture. Amputated finger joints can be placed in a plastic bag, wrapped in cloth, and placed in a container with a few ice cubes, so that they can possibly be reattached.

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13y ago

Stop a bleeding wound by applying direct pressure, elevate above the heart, and apply pressure to the supplying artery is the first two suggestions don't work.

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