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You can talk to your spirit guide by starting to ask spirit questions that aren't too personal, and can be answered by Yes or No.

They may be accompanied by physical sensations on your body such as:

  • pressure on top of your head - opening of the crown chakra.
  • a sensation on the left side of the body or face.

    The left side receives, the right side sends.

    The left side goes to the right side of the brain, the intuitive side.

Before you start, you may sense the presence of your spirit guide.

Find a quiet place, free of distractions. Relax and get comfortable. Clear your mind. Focus on your guide.

Send the thought ... Hello!

You may hear a greeting, but this is not necessary.

Send your Yes or No question telepathically or verbally i.e. Is today Monday?

Relax and allow the answer to come naturally as a thought.

Continue with other non-personal Yes or No questions until you are comfortable. Keep practicing. There is no hurry! Spirit has no 'time' table.

You may also practice this with another guide.

You can also speak with it through a Ouija Board, but it may not be your spirit Guide, but another spirit. Ouija Boards hardly ever bring bad, but a very small amount of time they do, so be warned. Copy and paste the link below to find out more about Ouija Boards.

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