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== == == == I have edited this answer because I felt it was unsuitably upsetting for a parent trying to find out about sociopathy in children. If anyone would like to add a slightly less upsetting reply that would be brilliant, sorry. New Response: regarding the answer above, the person above definitely is a parent of a sociopath, and how do I know? Because if you find yourself feeling really bad or disturbing or embarrassed or ashamed after you discuss a socipathic event involving your child, then your child is a sociopath. Technically, psychology does not diagnose minors with antisocial personality disorder, however, there are traits that your teen may exhibit that are indicative of a burgeoning socipath adult, those would include stealing, not showing remorse for wrongs they have done, blame shifting, extreme and chronic self-centeredness, not caring, pathologic lying, parasitic behavior, won't get a job but will constantly bum or steal money from his parent or his parent's friends. My husband's sociopath, I can call him that now because he is no longer a minor, made up an incredible lie about his father, one that could have gotten his father into serious trouble with law enforcement if the health practitioner believed the sociopath's lies... it totally made my husband a nervous wreck for several weeks after he received a phone call from this health practioner informing him of the tale that the son told the health care provider. Why did sociopath son make up this lie about his father? To get Revenge against his father because father was telling him to be more responsible or else get kicked out of the house on his 18th birthday. One mistake you can make if you suspect your child of having this personality disorder is to accuse him of it, because sociopath's are very "smart" and can figure out what emotion to feign in order to get what they want from you, despite your better wishes that they not have what they want, whatever that may be. I am not a pyschologist, I speak from experience.

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If your husband leaves home with a full roll of Duct Tape and a loaded pistol, and returns home with no tape and several chambers in the pisol empty, you may be married to a sociopath.

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Q: How can you tell if a child is a sociopath?
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Is there a scale to tell how autistic a child is?

No, there is no scale to tell 'how autistic' a child is. A child is either autistic or they're not, there is no scale of 'how autistic' a person is just as there's no scale for how Chinese someone is or how female someone is.

How can you tell if your child has ADD?

Get them tested at a doctors.

Is nagging a child to clean their room a negative reinforcement or punishment?

It's just parenting! However, it depends on the child to be honest. neither, if you tell ur kid to clena their room they should just do it. It's all a matter of respect.

What is a child centred definition of a word as opposed to a target language centred definition of a word?

an example of a child centred interaction is where the child is in volved in a social surrounding and is involved in interactions with other adults or children etc. and example is where a child is playing with another child or being held by a carer and the carere comunicating with the child and the child is giving the carer signals.

How do you teach a child to multiply?

Use coins or beans as markers. Start with 0. Tell them that multiplying anything times 0 is 0. Then move on to 1. Tell them that multiplying 1 by any number is the number. Arrange the beans or coins to show that 1 of any number from 1 to 9 is the number. Then move on to 2. Arrange the coins or beans so that there are two sets of each number from 1 to 9. Explain that 2 sets of 6, for example, is 12 total. Once the child gets that idea and has practiced with it for awhile, move on to 3. Arrange the coins so that there are 3 groups of each number from 1 to 9. Let him/her count the total number of coins in each of the sets of 3. Explain that, for example, 3 sets with 4 coins in each set is a total of 12 coins. As the child learns and becomes comfortable with each level, gradually move up to the next level until the child has finished all of the levels up to 12.

Related questions

How do you protect your baby from its sociopath father?

you get a restraining order and you tell the judge that he is a sico and then your child will be safe

What if Sociopath is the Father of your child?

poor child!

How do you know if a child is a sociopath?

you dont

How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.

If you believe your spouse is a sociopath and you have an infant together and a pending divorce should you fight for sole custody of the infant child?

If you feel your child is in danger than I would say yes but if you feel he is a sociopath than maybe you might want to consider consulting your question towards a professional who could tell you the safest way of going about dealing with a sociopath.

How do you tell someone they are dating a sociopath?

confront them

Is a sociopathic personalty inherited?

It can be. For example; if a child is raised by a sociopath, the sociopath raising them might be cold and distant(because they could have trouble making an attachment with the child.) The sociopath raising them can also be highly abusive. As a result, the child could grow up to have a sociopathic personality, because thats all they know.

Will a sociopath use a child to get what they want?

It is possible. Sociopaths have no sense of boundaries or guilt.

How do you tell a sociopath that they are one?

If you were involved with one and he/she is a chameleon and fools others (only for a short time usually) then worry about getting on with your own life and realizing that others can look after themselves. Sociopath/narcissist will hang themselves every time ... they just have to open their mouths!

What do you do when a child is involved and your in a relationship with a sociopath?

The short answer is get out, sociopathy cannot be cured. But see answer to the related question.

Do you warn others of a sociopath or say nothing?

Definitely tell people! They need to know!

What to do stepson is eleven possible sociopath and also have 3 little ones don't know what to do husband doesn't see it what to do?

You can't diagnose a eleven year old as a sociopath. Proffessionals agree that a sociopath can only be diagnosed accuretly as a adult. Once more many CEOs and leaders are sociopath, so your child might grow up to be great.