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Go to the dentist! You can not run around with a infection in your tooth. If you think you have a infection in your tooth that is enough reson to go to the dentist. They know if a nerve is infected or inflamed.


Even if it is inflamed that means that the dental nerve is infected with bacteria, and if left untreated it can lead to gangrene and root treatment.

See this video about infection of the dental nerve

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Q: How can you tell if a tooth nerve is infected or just inflamed?
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You might think that a tooth's nerve tissue is vitally important to a tooth's health and function, but in reality it's not. A tooth's nerve tissue plays an important role in the growth and development of the tooth, but once the tooth has erupted through the gums and has finished maturing the nerve's only function is sensory, it provides the tooth with the ability to feel hot and cold.In regards to the normal day to day functioning of our mouths, the sensory information provided by a single tooth is really quite minimal. Dentists realize that on a practical level it is pretty much academic whether a tooth has a live nerve in it or not. If a tooth's nerve tissue is present and healthy, wonderful. But if a tooth has had its nerve tissue removed during root canal treatment that's fine too, you will never miss it.

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Should you have spine surgery if your tooth is infected?

no but i would recommend going to the dentist

Can a root canal abscess?

Definitely, happens primarily in older RCT's (root canal therapy). RCT's are a great treatment for an infected tooth, however, if the synthetic filling material used to replace the infected nerve tissue did not fill the canal to the apex (tip of the tooth) the untreated area can re-infect. Depending on how bad it is, you may be able to get a retreat of your RCT or you may just have to pull the tooth. However, it's important for everyone to know that eventually, all dental work breaks down, thought most dental work done properly should see to the age of 10 years.

What is the point of a root canal?

Root canals are not needed because of braces. It is just a coincidence if you need a root canal after you have had braces. Most likely what happened is that your home care was not the best while you had braces on so you developed a cavity. If the cavity is not treated it continues to get worse. Once the cavity gets close to the nerve of the tooth a root canal will have to be performed and the tooth will need a crown on it.

Why ear hurt after wisdom tooth pull?

It happens. Was/is it a lower wisdom tooth? The inferior alveolar nerve travels through the lower jaw, this is the nerve the dentist "numbs" to work on a bottom tooth. Lower wisdom tooth problems often cause an ear ache. It could be an infection, it could be the nerve was bruised, it could be do to normal healing with a little swelling. Tell the dentist/oral surgeon.

Should a tooth be pulled if gums are inflamed or you have an abscess?

Yes and no yes- if you went through measures and the infection is too far gone to save the tooth, an extraction may be the only way No- if a root canal or different types of pennicillin havent been used It really just depends on the situation