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There are some tell tale signs, but almost all can be corrected with various types of surgery. Everyone seems to know ONE method, but unless you do a thorough examination and have extensive medical knowledge can you be sure if the "girl" is truly convincing as some asians are. Typical tells are Adam's apples, size of feet and hands, width of shoulders in relation to hips, length of humorous, size of her head, a square jaw, dominant chin, hair line, slope of forehead and length of index finger in relation to ring finger.

Adams apples can be shaved and some TSs simply don't have prodominant Adams apples, but you can still tell if you get them to open wide and say "ahhh". Not a good idea in a nightclub. Index finger/ring finger ratio is a pretty good tell. Generally women have ratios closer to 1.0 and in some cases their index finger is longer than their ring finger, 1.1 or so. For men it's usually much less 0.8. Guess you have to hold her hand for a while, but she might think you're being exceptionally romantic.

Voice can be an indicator but many men can imitate a very sexy and lightly pitched female voice and vocal chord surgery can make a males voice indistingishable from a females. Although sometimes scarring after surgery leaves the beauty with an extremely DEEP voice.

If she's had full sex reassignment surgery, then experience and intimate carnal knowledge may be needed. Usually there's scarring and most man made labia, etc, still don't quite look as good as the natural variety. There's the fact that they still can't have babies, less depth of penetration and no natural lubricant.

In Asia, especially Thailand where ladyboys are plentiful and are the true "third sex" sometimes the only tell is voice and the girls height. The beautiful Nong Poy is nearly six feet tall, and typical Asian women aren't that tall. However, there are always exceptions.

Many runway models are transgender and an old adage may be true, if a girl is really really extremely beautiful, she's was probably born a male.
From a transsexual:

Not all drag queens are transsexuals, but some are. Just ask. If they're like me, they don't mind educating the public about their cause (that's why I'm answering this question). If you are in the grocery store or some other mundane place and see a -male- dressed in women's clothing, chances are likely that they are transsexual. Cross dressers usually don't venture out into public like that.

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How do you tell if somebody is transsexual?

You cannot determine if someone is transgender just by looking at them. It is important to respect a person's gender identity regardless of their appearance. If someone chooses to share their gender identity with you, it is important to be supportive and respectful.

What are synonyms of transsexual?

A transsexual is a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristics and gender role of the opposite sex or someone who has undergone hormone treatment and surgery to attain the physical characteristics of the opposite sex. As such, there are no synonyms for transsexual.

What is it when a trangender is passable?

it mean in a public setting u would not be able to tell that they are a transsexual

Is AAP Rocky a transsexual?

No. He's a male and it was just a rumor from someone that hates his music

What is the difference between a post op transsexual and a pre op transsexual?

Post-op is after the reassignment surgery (they now have the parts of the sex opposite to what they were declared at birth). A pre-op transsexual person is someone who hasn't undergone sexual reassignment surgery. They still have the genitals they were wrongly born with.

How should a 14 year old guy tell their very Roman Catholic parents that they are a transsexual?

dress like one

Is there someone that i can talk to because I'm a 14 year old transsexual that is too scared to tell his parents?

Speaking to a trusted teacher or guidance counselor, possibly even a librarian would be a good place to get information about local support services.

What do you mean by transsexual?

A transsexual person is someone who has the identity and nature of someone born with the opposite genitals. As opposed to those who practice recreational transgenderism, an actual transsexual person will likely to go on and get what they consider corrective surgery. The sufferers tend to think of it as a birth condition, and they hate the parts that cause society to rob them of an appropriate life.Do keep in mind that adult publications misuse the term transsexual to refer to a person who keeps, displays, and uses their original genitals while living as the other sex. That is a type of transgenderism and is not transsexualism as defined in early medical literature.

When was Transsexual News Telegraph created?

Transsexual News Telegraph was created in 1991.