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Before you consider yourself anorexic please get your thyroid checked out by your doctor.

Anorexics see themselves as always over-weight. They will have an aversion to food to the point where eating becomes a great problem and they simply grow thinner until they pass away.

If you have any of these symptoms please see your doctor and work together with him/her on this.

Anorexia is usually caused in people because eating is the only thing they can control in their lives. It is more common than you think.

If you are eating well and are still thin, take a look at the gene pool in your family. Not all people are the correct weight or on the stout side.

Anorexics eat but they eat such small portions its not even funny

If you have a negative self-image, always doubting yourself, that's psychological. If you are eating minimal calories a day for a substantial period of time. Another psychological aspect, and this is just from personal experience, is that your brain could start to hate food, think of it as a poison instead of a necessity.

There are other factors I am sure, that I have left out.

One thing though, if you have to question yourself something must be wrong somewhere, so either talk to someone, or keep yourself in check and keep yourself healthy.

If you start watching your weight more than normal and thinking that you look fat.

Also throwing up could be a very obvious sign. You should see a doctor if you are underweight because that is another sign.

If you do not want to eat or are afraid to eat because you fear you may gain weight. If you eat very little yet count calories when you do. If you go out of your way to avoid eating. If you excercise excessively although you do not have the energy for it because of lack of nutrients.

Those are just some of the warning signs of anorexia. Anorexia is more so a disease of the mind than the body. It puts avoiding food at the forefront of your daily activities. It becomes an obsession the sufferers can only overcome through counseling and/or hospitalization in severe cases.

Bulimia is very similar to anorexia however it is characteristic of "binging and purging". This means that the person will go long hours/days with no food and suddenly eat an enormous amount of food at once which is called binging. And then they will force themselves to throw up the food they have just eaten which is called purging. Not all bulimics binge and purge, however, some eat fairly regular meals but force themselves to throw up immediately after.

Contrary to common belief, anorexics and bulimics are not all stick-thin. A lot of those suffering from either disease are of average/above average build. Anorexia and bulimia are both very dangerous. Both can kill if not treated soon enough. Both also cause long term health problems. If you believe you are anorexic or bulimic it is best advised that you get help for this ASAP. This will not be easy but if you do not do so, the concequences could be dire.

See the related links for more information on Anorexia.

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check if your ribs are sticking out by a few centimetres. if you can fit your hands around your arms, you are most defenately annerexic.

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Is someone in glee anarexic?

well i think they accused lea michel of being anorexic but its not true. so no. no one in glee is anorexic. if they were, they wouldn't be on glee. they would be getting help. and plus you can kind of tell when someone is anorexic.

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It is not recommended to seek out or follow advice from a book on how to become anorexic. Anorexia is a serious eating disorder with harmful health consequences, and it is important to prioritize mental and physical well-being by seeking help from a healthcare professional if struggling with disordered eating patterns.

Do you tell people that you are anorexic when you are?

Only if you want to and should also consult a doctor.

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i dont think you do tell your mum i think she finds out when you are not eating anything good look

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It is not possible. Height is a genetic thing. And if your friend is still anorexic then tell her/him that he/she can expect to technically shrink due to osteoperosis

How does someone tell their friend that they are a recovering Anorexic?

If they really care about you they will understand and want to help you. Good luck!

What is an anorexic?

An anorexic is a person who suffers from anorexia.

If you think that you are anorexic how can you tell?

if you think your not eating or have a lost in appetite then you probably do... or if your throwing up on purpose then you probably are too... :/

How did Mary Kate get so thin?

she is anorexic. she is anorexic.

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They can't become anorexic.

I am 5.8 and 7.6 am I under weight because I want to lose more weight because I want to be like anorexic?

I will get down to the point and tell you firmly....DO NOT BE LIKE AN ANOREXIC!If you do, in while you might get more into it and have the eating disorder itself....It's completely pathetic saying you want to be anorexic. I would much rather be a comfy size 10 then an ultra skinny 0, because to be honest, anorexic people look really bad.

How can you be a good anorexic?

That can't really be possible. You have to not be anorexic anymore.