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Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) will treat the acute condition. The best way to apply ice is in a bag with water. The water applies the cold directly to the skin. Chemical ice packs can get too cold and cause frostbite. Compression using an elastic wrap minimizes swelling and bleeding in an acute sprain. Splinting may help rest the limb. Pain and anti-inflammatory medications (aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen) will help. Sometimes the inflammation lingers and requires additional treatment. Injections of cortisone-like medicine often relieve chronic tendinitis, but should be reserved for resistant cases since cortisone can occasionally cause problems of its own.

If tendinitis is persistent and unresponsive to nonsurgical treatment, a surgery to remove the afflicted portion of tendon can be performed. Surgery is also conducted to remove calcium buildup that comes with persistent tendinitis.

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14y ago

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and determine if you have tendinitis.

The usual signs are swelling, heat, altered function, redness, and pain in the area in question.

If you are in a large amount of discomfort, then obviously the best solution is to see a doctor. They will perform a few diagnostic tests to determine what is wrong. The tests will be along similar lines to the ones listed.

Severity of tendinitis ranges from mild, to more serious cases. If it is mild, there is a good chance that it will heal on it's own within a couple of days.

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12y ago

You can do A LOT of things for Tendonitis.

Some are more effective than others, of course.

Tendonitis symptoms show up due to a variety of factors in the body. If you don't effectively deal with those factors, the problem will remain, and/or come back again sooner than later. Especially if you continue to do whatever activities that you've been doing that contributed to (but did not cause) the problem.

Dealing with just one or two of the factors to some degree can lower pain levels, but won't fix the cause of the problem.

The factors that cause tendonitis symptoms are muscle tightness, connective tissue tightness, inflammation, nutritional insufficiency/deficiency.

Some usually prescribed/used methods that may decrease symptoms but don't fix or cure tendonitis are Rest, Anti-inflammatories, Pain Killers, wrists and splints, and corticosteroid injections.

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Tendonitis is not a fatal disease, but an injury ... you just tell them and explain how they can help the area heal up and not injure it again.

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No one knows who discovered tendonitis. Tendonitis is an inflammation of tendons causing pain in that area. A tendon is a thick fibrous chord that attaches muscle to bone.

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A tendonitis that leads to mineral deposits is referred to as calcification tendonitis. Tendinitis is when a tendon becomes inflamed, irritated, or experiences swelling.

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It would depend on the severity of your tendonitis and what tendons are affected. If you have tendonitis and want to train for a marathon, you should see your doctor before starting any sort of training program.

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Where can I inquire about tendonitis treatment?

There are several sites where you can gain information about the medical condition tendonitis and see ways to treat and possibly prevent it. One of those sites is There you can find a lot of needed information about tendonitis.

Is there a specialist for ankle tendonitis?

Yes there is a doctor that specializes in ankle tendonitis. This type pf doctor is called a Podiatrist. Most times people start with a trip to their family doctor who can diagnose tendonitis and make recommendations as to how to treat the problem. In cases of sever tendonitis a family doctor may recommend seeing a Podiatrist.

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Playing too much tennis "can" cause tendonitis. Tendons connect muscles to bones and they can become swollen due to excess activity. This is called tendonitis. Tennis combines jumping and running which puts stress on tendons and makes them swell. Tennis is often the cause of tendonitis.

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