

How can you tell that JavaScript is external to a page?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: How can you tell that JavaScript is external to a page?
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Can you add Ajax requests in Ajax server page?

If you add javascript to the server page then it is possible. But it would be bad programming practise. Ideally the ajax requests should be on an external javascript file and that should be referenced by a client side page.

Is JavaScript programs compiled into intermediate form and linked to a HTML document?

JavaScript isn't compiled. It's an interpreted language, which means that it's translated into 'computer language' line by line when needed. You can link JavaScript to a HTML document by using the src attribute of the script tag. If you name your external javascript 'test.js', you can inject it into your HTML page by using <script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script>.

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Onclick will be called when the object you're attaching the onclick function to is clicked (usually the object is an HTML element).

Why should you consider placing javascript in an external file?

If you are using PHP for creating a website, it will turn into a mess if you don't use separate files for CSS & Javascript. It is not that much of a problem as external javascript functions are not that difficult to call from html or php files. The code looks neat and we can differentiate the problem areas more accurately. The problem obviously resides when you use ASP.NET & call external javascript files. ASP.NET assigns different client side and server side ids for controls. It maybe a good idea there to discard the external coding of javascript if javascript functions are not called

What is the function of the app called Noscript?

Noscript can be used when a page does not recognize Javascript, or when Javascript is not enabled. Noscript allows the information on the page to still be readable.

How do you run javascript progamming?

Javascript should run on its own. and when the page is loaded it will automaticly render on its own.

How to design webpage using java script?

JavaScript is not very useful in web page design, JavaScript is used more for page functionality. For web page design; look up CSS.

How do you put java script into HTML?

Javascript inside html <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> // Java script code here </script> <body> // html code here </body> </html> Via External Link: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="location of js file"> </script> <body> // html code here </body> </html>

What is the importance of javascript?

JavaScript can be used to add effects on the pages of web site, creating simple animations with the elements in the page. It is used to improve the page design and functionality.

How do you write a javascript?

go to notepad and write Javascript code and save it as .js and then import it into a page with a src tag

How can you close the iframe in calling page in php and javascript?

Using JavaScript, you can accomplish this by deleting the iframe node from the DOM.

How do you get handle of title of another HTML page in my page?

You can link that page into yours by anchor. Get the value into JavaScript and get it into your title.