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When the stem starts to pull away from the gourd they are ripe. Do the twist the stem but cut it as close to the vine as possible with a sharp knife or scissors. When drying do not set on the ground as air needs to be able to move around it to allow it to dry and not rot.

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Q: How can you tell when decorative gourds are ripe?
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Are decorative gourds edible?

Yes, they are edible.

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Does a cross pollination of a gourd and a squash create an edible squash?

Most gourds that I am familiar with are from a different genus - Lagenaria. In that case they will not cross with each other. Some decorative gourds are in the genus Cucurbita and will cross. The result may then not be very edible if the gourd dominates. You will get a mixture. If they are edible, it would be when the fruit are very small.

What are gourds made out of?

gourds are made out of a hollowed plant.

How can you tell if I have a avocado is right?

An easy way to tell if your avocado is ripe is by flicking the small brown stem off the top. If it comes off easily and the bit underneath is green, it's ripe. If it doesn't or is brown, it's not ripe.

What is calabash decoration?

Calabash decoration refers to using dried calabash gourds as decorative elements in various arts and crafts projects. The gourds can be painted, carved, or embellished in different ways to create unique and visually appealing decor items. Calabash decoration is a popular form of traditional art in many cultures around the world.

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when it turns a brown and yellow.

How do you tell a necterine is ripe?

it must be quite soft

Do kangaroos eat gourds?

No. A typical kangaroo does not eat gourds.

How do you tell that a lemon from a tree is ripe?

A lemon can be used before it is ripe, but it will not have as much juice and be harder to squeeze. The ripeness of a lemon can be judged by its color, and it is ripe when no green tinge remains.

Are gourds poisonous to dogs or cats?

Gourds are not poisonous to cat or dogs. While gourds are probably not the best food for your pet to eat, they are not dangerous to their health.

Did native Americans use gourds?

Yes, they used gourds for instruments, bowls, and art.