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The cell borders are highlighted, or if a range of cells are selected, the active cell will be a different colour than the others, usually being white. The name of the active cell will always appear in the name box.

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Q: How can you tell which cell in a worksheet is the active cell?
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Which one cell in the worksheet is the one you can enter data?

active cell

How can you tell your current position in a worksheet?

The cell reference will be in the top left of the spreadsheet, showing what cell is the currently active cell. Also, the column heading and row heading are highlighted.

The on a Worksheet is one in which you can enter data?

The "CELL" on a Worksheet is one in which you can enter data.or if you ment to say the question differently, active cell.

What is an active cell in Microsoft Excel?

It is the cell selected at the current time. If you start typing, what you type will appear in that cell. Only one cell can be the active one, even when you have lots of cells selected. It will always be a different colour to other selected cells if others are selected.

The box displays the active cell reference?

The Name box.

What is the key that selects the cell up one worksheet window from the active cell in Excel workbook?

page up

In Excel is cell A1 designated the active cell?

If you select one cell, it will be active. However, if you select multiple cells at once, only one can be the active cell. That is usually the cell you select first.

The area of the worksheet window the displays the active cell addressis calledanameboxbmain menubarcformulabardtoolbar?

Name Box

What worksheet receives your keystrokes and commands in excel?

The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.The active worksheet.

Definition for the word active worksheet?

An active worksheet is a spreadsheet that is visible in a workbook. When you open a new workbook, the first sheet you see is the active worksheet.

What is the used of the formula bar?

area near the top of the worksheet window that displays the contents of the active cell

When you insert a worksheet in the active worksheet in the active tab it appears where exactly?

The new worksheet will go in before or in other words to the left of the current worksheet.