

How can you trademark a slogan?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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To trademark a phrase, normally you will first establish that you're using it in commerce (as a business name or slogan, for example). Then register with the trademark office of all countries in which you intend to do business.

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Q: How can you trademark a slogan?
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What is the difference between TM sm and rm?

Trademark Slogan mark registered trademark

How do you trademark a slogan or advertisement gimmick Example Smart Button for Staples and Only the best stuff slogan for Snapple?

You would file an application for trademark with the US Patent & Trademark Office (

What business can you trademark?

Rather than trademark a business, you would trademark its marks used in trade: name, logo, slogan, etc.

In 2003 what slogan did Sony attempt to trademark?

Sony applied for a registered trademark on the phrase "shock and awe."

Is advertisement slogan trademark or copyright or both?

Since names, titles, and common words/phrases are not eligible for copyright protection an advertising slogan could only be registered as a trademark.

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Mission statement

What do trademarks protect?

A trademark is a mark used in trade, such as a business or product name, logo, or slogan.

What is trademark-?

A trademark is a type of intellectual property, specifically a mark used in trade: a business or product name, logo, or slogan.

When can you use the trademark symbols and R?

The ™ indication can be used on anything you are using as a mark in trade, such as a logo or slogan; the ® indication is used to note a formally registered trademark.

Is trademark the same as a incorporated?

No. Incorporation is the legal creation of a new corporate body, such as a business, a government, or a non-profit organization. Trademark is the protection of the name, logo, or slogan of an organization or product. Answers Corporation is incorporated. is a registered trademark of the Answers Corporation.

What is meant by a registered trademark?

A trademark is a mark used in trade, like a business name, logo, or slogan. Although established trademarks are protected without registration, a registered trademark has been submitted to the country's trademark office for addition to the registry.

How do you find out if a slogan has been trademarked?

get a job in any trade get the official trademark stamp out of a cereal box. then you make up a slogan use your own blood for the stamp and stamp underneath the slogan with the trademark stamp TADAA you just trade marked something.