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Q: How can you wire headphones by using the rear speaker wires in a car stereo to power headphones in a motorcycle helmet need to have a disconnect in the cord too?
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Is it legal to wear headphones on a motorcycle in AZ?

yes. only if you wear a helmet over them

Can you use a scooter helmet for your motorcycle?

Motorcycle helmets need to be either DOT or SNELL certified, if the helmet has that certification then you can use a scooter helmet on a motorcycle.

Is the cost of motorcycle insurance different if you wear a helmet?

If there is no helmet law in your state, the cost of motorcycle insurance is the same whether you wear a helmet or not.

Do I have to buy a motorcycle helmet to ride in NC?

Yes, you are required to buy a motorcycle helmet to ride in NC and obtain a motorcycle license. This applies to all motorcycle riders regardless of age or motorcycle power.

If your state doesn't require a motorcycle helmet do you have to wear a helmet in a state that does require one?

State-by-state guide to motorcycle helmet laws yes

Are motorcycle riders and passengers required to wear a helmet in California?

Motorcycle rider and passengers are required to wear a helmet in california. It is a good law since chances of surviving a motorcycle crash without a helmet are slim.

Do you need to wear a motorcycle helmet in Miami?

You need to wear a motorcycle helmet any time you get on a motorcycle, but in Florida it is only required for anyone under 21.

Motorcycle Helmet ?

form_title= Motorcycle Helmet form_header= Buy a motorcycle helmet that fits. Do you want a full face helmet?*= () Yes () No Do you want a clear visor?*= () Yes () No What color helmet do you want?*= _ How many helmets do you need?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}

Do you have to wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle in Louisiana?

yes yes. on motorcycle.

How old is too old for a motorcycle helmet?

You are NEVER too old for a helmet!

Can you use a motorcycle helmet for a snowmobile?

Yes , you can use a motorcycle helmet for a snowmobile.

Does Florida require a motorcycle helmet?

You are not required by law to wear a crash helmet in Florida however i would highly recommend that you do! Florida does not require a helmet while driving a motorcycle.