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The answer vary depending on the type and location of the building.

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Q: How close to a building should conifer trees be planted?
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How far away from a house should conifers be planted?

This depends on which variety of conifer you want to plant. If you plant a dwarf conifer you can plantit as close as you like but if you plant a rampant grower you will shut out the light. Do your homework.

Will a hickory tree damage your building?

Only if it is planted too close to the building or it falls on it.

How close should a sycamore be to your house?

Sycamore trees have huge trunks that often split near the bottom. They grow best in open areas. A sycamore should not be planted closer than 15 feet to a building of any kind.

Can Rose of Sharon be planted close to buildings?

A Rose of Sharon is a very beautiful and delicate variety. It can be planted next to a building providing that it still has adequate sunlight, soil area, soil drainage, and water access.

Where is Conifer Park located?

Conifer Park is located in New York City, in Glenville. 79 GlenRidge Road. It is close to most schools and houses in the area. Its safe and easy to get to.

How many marijuana seedlings should you plant together?

None should be planted close to another. Like trees, their toot systems go deep and wide.

How far apart should seeds be planted?

Some plants can be planted close together and others must be farther apart. When you plant seeds, the package will tell you how far apart the plants should be. When you plant live plants, there should be a tag that tells you how far apart the plants should be.

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When building a house in Kentucky what are the ordinances or restrictions on how close to the road it should?

In most states this is different from county to county. Check with the county courthouse for building ordinances and restrictions.

Should you close unused bedrooms to save heat?

Yes, but open and air them out occasionally to avoid damp building up.

Is 2 feet to close to a pool to plant a Mexican fan palm?

2 feet is too close to a pool to plant a Mexican fan palm. These should be planted at least 12 feet away from the pool to allow enough room for the palm's roots to grow.

Can lilacs hurt a peach tree?

If they were planted too close together, they would compete for water and sunlight.