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because thier mucsles in the legs are not strong enough hope this helps

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Q: How come sloths cannot walk on the ground?
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Can sloths walk?

No sloths can't walk they even give birth on trees,

Do sloths walk?


What has four good legs and yet cannot walk on the ground?

A chair, because a chair cannot walk at all!

How long does it take for a sloth to move a mile?

since a sloths ground speed is 15 mph it would take that sloth 4 minutes to walk a mile. The previous answer is very wrong. Sloths are the slowest mammels on earth, in fact they are so slow that algae grows on them. This is why they tend to be tinted green. They are powerful swimmers but on land are helpless and extremely slow. I cannot remember how fast they walk in mph but I know it takes a lot longer then 4 MIN to walk a mile.

Why sloths crawl instead of walk?

Sloths crawl instead of walk because it's much easier than it is for them to walk, because they have an unique body structure unlike we humans do.

How fast do sloths swim?

yes they are very good although they spend most of there day sleeping in trees

How do sloths get their food to eat?

they eat you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh walk away the sloths tryin 2 eat me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do sloths do for fun?

sloths do not do much they eat, sleep, walk slowly and if they have babies they take care of them.

How do sloth walk?

Sloths don't walk. They can only stand on their feet and they drag their bodies by their hands.

How did Pollyanna come to know that she cannot walk?

The doctors told her.

What can walk but cannot fly?

A grasshopper!!! A grasshopper can fly, but when they land on the ground they only hop.

Who was the slowest animal?

the sloth -- especially the three-toed sloth -- is the slowest animal around. Their legs and feet are shaped to hang from trees, so it's actually hard for sloths to walk on the ground. They can't run or stand upright on their feet. It would take a sloth nearly a month to walk one mile! Sloths don't do much walking on the ground, though -- they spend their lives hanging upside down in trees. They eat, sleep, and even have babies upside down!