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Q: How come you never hear of a father not knowing the mother of his baby?
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How long does a baby jaguar live with its father?

The baby jaguar never knows its father. Only the mother cares for the young.

What can happen if a mother of a baby doesn't let the biological father see the baby?

the father and mother get divorce and mother fight father so he doesnt see the baby

You always hear that a girl might not know the father of her baby but how come you never hear a father wondering who the mother of his baby?

A woman has to physically conceive the baby so she ends up having the baby while the father is no where to be found.

How are you related to your baby's sister's mother's husband?

In most cases, your sister's mother is also your mother, and her husband is your father. If you and your baby sister have the same father but different mothers, your sister's mother's father is your father. If you and you sister have the same mother but different fathers, your baby sister's father is your step-father if he is married to your mother.

If the mother has sole physical custody and shares joint legal custody with the father the two never married if the mother dies can her husband who is not the baby's biological father assume custody?

No, unless the baby's biological father relenquishes his parental rights, he would get custody of the child if the mother dies, not her husband. The biological father must sign his rights away to the mother's husband.

Who takes care of the baby bald eagles?

Usually the Parents. A mother and a father.

Who gets to name the baby?

the mother and father of the baby

Knowing hamsters can not be housed together is this so for mother and baby?


Is the baby giraffe closer to the mother giraffe or the father giraffe?

the baby giraffe is closer to the mother because after mating the father leaves

Who invented your baby brother?

Your baby brother's mother and father did.

Can AB father and A mother have O baby?

Yes. The mother has to be OO And the father can be either AA or AO So the mother can give one of her O's to the baby and the father can give his O to the baby making it an OO.

Does George Lopez have a mother or a father?

He has both but his father abandoned him when he was a baby so he is left with his mother.