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Climate change would cause the types of plants that grew in an area to change. If the plants that mammoths needed for food were replaced by plants that didn't provide enough nutrition, the mammoths would have died out.

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Q: How could climate change cause the mammoths to become extinct?
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List two ideas about why mammoths became extinct?

Because of the climate change , were not used to the change of wheather

How would climate change would make it difficult for mammoths to survive?

mammoths don't have a problem surviving...they're all extinct.

Did man man kill mammoths?

Yes, climate change and human hunting made them extinct.

Did mammoths get extinct?

this has been a mystery for a long time, scientists think that it is because of hunting and climate change

Why did mammoths become extinct?

either they couldn't deal with the climate change around 10,000 years ago, or they were hunted to extinction by early humansBecause it disappeared at 1,700 B.C.

What happened after the woolly mammoth became extinct?

mammoths are extinct from climate change and hunting. people wanted their bones for things like mammoth bone huts.

How did wollly mammoths become extinct?

Scientists are not sure what caused the extinction of the woolly mammoths, but they have a few theories. Theories include climate change at the end of the Ice Age, human induced diseases, and human overhunting. It could have also been any combination of the above.

Why did mammoths become exstinct?

Scientists do not know for certain why mammoths died out. Theories include climate change leading to habitat loss or overhunting from humans.

How do scientists think the wooly mammoth became extinct?

There are three reasons why mammoths went extinct. Scientists have proven that they are all combined to get the result of mammoths dieng. They are: Humans hunting them down Lack of food -Mammoths were the biggest grass eaters after the ice age the grass land became trees Climate change

What was happening to the climate when mammoths went extinct?

Mammoths went extinct at the end of the last Ice Age, 10,000 years ago. During that time, it became warmer. The extensive glaciers melted, which caused sea levels to rise. The main climate change was in areas like northern Europe and Canada, because it was going from tundra that was cold enough to create glaciers to a climate warm enough for pine forests.

Did the mammoths became extinct because the ice age was over?

Excluding a population of dwarf woolly mammoths on Wrangel Island (which lasted until 3,700 years ago), woolly mammoths became extinct 10,000 years ago. Scientists are not sure what caused the extinction of the woolly mammoths, but they have a few theories. Theories include climate change at the end of the Ice Age, human induced diseases, and human overhunting. It could have also been any combination of the above.

How did mammoths get extinct?

No one is certain why the mammoth became extinct. They died. They may have succumb to climate change at the end of the last Ice Age. Other theories are related to the arrival of modern humans, which may have spread diseases that were fatal to mammoths, or over-hunted them.