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Understanding the canine genome can benefit human health by allowing researchers to understand the signalling mechanisms and potentially discover either novel drug treatment targets or new vaccine targets. However, the work involved in translating canine gene research to practical human health interventions takes years or decades.

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Dogs have some of the same heart of humans. Dogs can also have cancer, Diabetes, epilepsy, and eye disease. The difference between humans and dogs are that in a dog, the genes that cause disease are much easier to find than a mere human.

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Q: Why are scientists studying dog genes to understand human diseases?
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Human Genes

How knowing about genes can help to understand how people are affected by certain diseases?

it can help us to understand that diseases are passed on from a parent to a child through genes; genes contain all the information, and molecules such as protein and deriboneucleuc acid perform chemical reactions in our bodies.

Which scientists work was based on the study of inherited characteristics?

Genetics is the study of inherited characteristics Geneticists study genes and DNA. Scientists who study genes may soon be able to prevent inherited diseases. .

Why do scientists search for genes?

Scientists search for genes because knowledge on our genetics can cure diseases. It could also tell us about how we might evolve in the future, and how we evolved in the past. This research could provide gene therapy (altering genes) and choosing what you're child will be like (also by altering genes).

The Human Genome Project was begun in 1988 by scientists from 13 nations as a worldwide effort to understand the sequencing of all of the DNA in the human body What is one potential scientific benefit?

"It will help find the genes responsible for many diseases."

Is it true that the functions are unknown for over 50 of discovered genes?

It's true. The functions are unknown for over 50 percent of discovered genes, which means that scientists must continue to work to find out what these genes do. It's possible that some of these genes may be responsible for many of the diseases that plague people, and identifying them is the first step to eradicating those diseases.

A specialist in the study of genes?

Geneticist are scientist, who specialized on studying genes. Nowadays all the life science branches are interrelated hence molecular biologist, biochemist and protein specialist are also study the genes and carry our genetic engineering experiments such as cloning. The field can help us to understand the cause and cure of many diseases and other heredity associated topics.

What are genetic diseases caused by?

Genetic diseases are malfunctions in the chromosomes, genes, DNA, cell development or natural hereditary of mutated genes.

Manipulation of genes that allows scientists to put genes from one organism into another organism?

i think its called intercourse between scientists

What causes inherited diseases?

Genes that are inherited from your parents cause inherited diseases.

Do scientists clone things?

Yes and no. There are many different kinds of scientists, and not all of them are engaged in cloning. As for the scientists who do the kind of research where cloning occurs, they generally work with genes and cells. The purpose of making a copy (a clone) of a gene or a cell is to develop procedures that can lead to cures for various diseases. It should be noted that movies and TV shows about human cloning are fictional. Scientists are not engaged in cloning human beings, but rather, in learning more about diseases that have a genetic origin, creating stem cells that could cure those diseases, etc.

How do scientists search for genes?

to look for new genes, scientists scan DNA sequences for known promoter sequences and RNA polymerase binding sites