

How dangerous is a narcissistic parent?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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It depends. Some narcissists are subtle and not very malignant. Others are malignant. The malignant ones can be very abusive.

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Q: How dangerous is a narcissistic parent?
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Is it possible to be raised with a narcissistic parent and not become narcissistic?

It is highly likely that a child raised by very narcissistic parents will not become narcissistic. They might struggle to undo enmeshment, dependence, and approval seeking behaviors. It depends on how much the child perceives his or her own sense of otherness in comparison to his or her parent.

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If you've been exposed to narcissistic abuse in childhood, you're more likely to end up with narcissistic partners if you haven't worked through your abuse. Adult Children of Narcissists (ACONs) have a number of issues to resolve.

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they make their daugthers by having SEX and the girl drink the girls pee.

Are adoptive children of a narcissistic parent better off if they have been returned to the system?

There is some ambiguity in the situation you describe; lots of people have an element of narcissism in their personality, which is not the same thing as a narcissistic personality disorder. Someone with a narcissistic personality disorder should never raise children, because the children will inevitably be harmed, quite seriously. Even an impersonal and relatively uncaring institution is better than such a parent.

Can you really ever respect a Narcissistic parent or boss?

I can respect their valued suggestion which helps me to grow up as a good citizen and successful employee to listen the narcissistic advices. But We have to remember that"excess of any thing is bad". I can never respect a parent or boss who all the time use to do advice and never will accept my own identity. In such a case I will never respect such a narcissistic parent or boss. Advices and experiences help to achieve goal but not in excessive manner. I would like to learn with my own experiences too.

Are there other fathers who lost their children to a narcissistic spouse after divorce?

A one word answer would be Yes. Narcissistic disorder is sometimes not the easiest one to identify and it is quite possible that a person may get away with it and retain custody - assuming she choses to retain custody for any reason. In the majority of US states parents must file a parenting plan with the court when custodial rights are in dispute. Custodial issues are decided on what is in the best interest of the child, and it's up to the other parent and his or her attorney to prove the opposing parent is narcissistic. But even if they do prove it, that doesn't necessarily mean the judge will definitely rule one way or the other. It varies from case to case, judge to judge, and parent to parent.

Are narcissistic love addicts dangerous?

No,they are control and sex addicts dangerous,a narcissist do not love anyone ,not even themselves .They are selfish ,have low self esteem and uses people to feel better ,but never last long.

What is the opposite of narcissistic?

Modest is the usual opposite of narcissistic.

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