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It depends on the patch of skin you are requiring to know about.

For instance, the skin on your feet has evolved to be thicker than many other body parts because you walk on them and they need to be tough.

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Q: How deep is the third layer of skin down?
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What layer of the skin is considered a third degree burn?

The burn needs to be deep enough to damage the hypo dermis and cutaneous layer.

What is another name for a protective underlying layer?

Another name for a protective underlying layer of skin is Hypodermis. It is usually the third layer of skin in the body under the skin layers dermis, and epidermis. the first layer of skin is the epidermis. the second layer of skin is the dermis. The third layer of skin is the hypodermis which is usually protecting the nerve endings and sweat glands from being harmed from any bacteria or fungi and viruses.

Is the dermis the outermost layer of the skin?

The epidermis is the superficial layer of the skin. The Integumentary System (skin) consists of two main layers the epidermis and dermis. The dermis is deeper into the body (internal), thus the deep layer of the skin, not the superficial layer. epidermisNo the epidermis is. The dermis is the innermost layer. There are only 2 layers of the skin.No the epidermis is. The dermis is the innermost layer. There are only 2 layers of the skin. no,dermis is not upper layer of skin. epidermis is superficial one,dermis is below epidermis.

Which layer of skinstores fat?

The subcutaneous layer of skin stores fat. The subcutaneous layer is the third layer from the epidermis, which is the outside layer.

What layer of skin contains pacinian corpuscles?

The pacinian corpuscle is present in the dermis layer of the skin. Its function is to detect deep pressure and vibration.

Which layer of the skin stores fat?

subcutaneous layer. its the third layer of skin made up of adipose tissue (fat) which is made up of adipocytes. it lies benath the dermis which lies beneath the epidermis, your outermost layer of skin.

When you stain your skin does the stain become part of you?

it depends on how deep the stain is.the top layer of skin on you is realy dead skin.

What is worse second or third degree burns?

A 1st degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin. The 2nd degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin and the layer just beneath it. A 3rd degree burn involves all the layers of the skin tissue's beneath them.

What is dermis tissue?

The dermis is the deep layer of the skin - just below the epidermis. The dermis is made up of two types of connective tissue: the superficial layer of the dermis is areolar CT and the deep layer of the dermis is dense irregular CT.

Where are is the subcutaneous layer of skin?

The subcutaneous layer of the skin is not actually part of the skin, though it is usually mentioned when discussing the anatomy of the skin. It is also called the hypodermis, or the superficial fascia. It is a layer underneath the true skin and has blood vessels, adipose tissue (stored fat), nerve cells, and lymphatic capillaries. It is the loose tissue that is between the skin and the muscles. The layer that covers the muscles underneath is called the deep fascia.

What is the skin of the earth?

That is probably refering to the crust layer of the Earth, which is rock that is about 3 miles deep and is it what you stand on.

What skin type is the more superficial dermis layer?

The most superficial part of the dermis is the papillary layer , the dermis is made up of papillary layer & Reticular layer and the papillary layer is just made up of loose connective tissue which allows movement to the epidermis and also contains capillaries and regulates the body temperature .