

How did Adolf Hitler feel about handicapped people?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did Adolf Hitler feel about handicapped people?
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Did Hitler feel shame to all the people he killed?

Probably not. Adolf Hitler used the "lesser races" as a scapegoat to bolster together the German people.

What did Adolf Hitler feel that the German people were members of?

He felt that they were all membes of a superior race, the Aryan race.

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Hitler felt powerful of being in control of the Jews. He was also pleased that he had so many followers. Adolf Hitler believed in fascism, and controlled Germany.

What rights did Hitler gradually take away from the Jews?

Adolf Hitler took everything away from the Jewish people. He really did not do it gradually. When the people arrived in the concentration camps they had all of their belongings taken away and were told what type of jobs they would be doing. People that Hitler didn't feel would be good candidates for working or his experiments went straight to the gas chambers.

Why do things like Adolf Hitler happen to this world?

Because there is always going to be someone out there that thinks they are bigger, badder, and better than everyone else and they feel they have to prove it by belittling other people.

How did Adolf Hitler feel in world war 2?

Adolf Hitler felt that there should be something with us so he started World War ll

How did Adolf Hitler feel about Jews?

he gassed them, shot them, worked them to death and humiliated them in the most horrible ways possible, how do you think he felt. In fact he loved them.

Why did Hitler feel people may misunderstand his actions?

He didnt feel that way but many people misunderstood his actions.

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a girl and another girl r writing in diaries about each other and how they feel

How did Adolf Hitler's work change the world?

He represented the whole country and took a large role so people would look up to his work. He used racism and persicution against jewish people. He made people all over the world feel that they had to follow his rules. He had a large army.

How does it feel to be handicapped?

To be handicapped is unspeakable, but over joyed with each new day as you progress to a better day. One who is handicapped lapse a function of a limb or disability that most have.

What hurt Adolf Hitler the most?

Barely nothing because he sent 12 million peoples to their deaths and didnt feel a thing. Hitler still had high hopes eithen when he knows germany was going bust when the allies was winning the war.