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He hepled the modern world with his quotes. He changed the way we see things today with his wise words.

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3d ago

Aristotle's contributions to philosophy, logic, science, and ethics had a lasting impact on Western thought. His works influenced fields ranging from Biology to politics, shaping our understanding of the natural world and the human experience. Through his teachings and writings, Aristotle laid the foundation for many areas of study that continue to influence society today.

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Q: How did Aristotle change the world?
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How did Aristotle change scientific thought?

Aristotle made significant contributions to scientific thought by emphasizing the importance of observation and classification in studying the natural world. He also introduced the idea of logic and reasoning as tools for scientific inquiry. Aristotle's work laid the foundation for many fields of study, influencing scientific thought for centuries to come.

which greek philosopher believed the reality was in the physical world?


What are the philosophical ideas of Aristotle?

Aristotle's philosophical ideas include his beliefs in the importance of observation and classification in understanding the natural world (empiricism), the concept of the Golden Mean as a guide for ethical behavior, and his notion of actuality versus potentiality in explaining change and motion. Aristotle also developed the idea of the four causes to explain the existence and nature of things.

What did Aristotle think the world was made up of?

Aristotle believed that the world was made up of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. He theorized that all matter was composed of combinations of these elements.

According to Aristotle what is the ultimate cause of reality?

According to Aristotle, the ultimate cause of reality is the Prime Mover or the Unmoved Mover. This is a transcendent and eternal being that is responsible for initiating and sustaining the motion and order of the universe. The Prime Mover is pure actuality and a source of all change without being subject to change itself.

Related questions

How did Aristotle affect and change the world?

Aristotle's influence on Western thought was vast and enduring. His work in logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, and natural sciences laid the foundation for many fields of study. His ideas shaped centuries of philosophical and scientific inquiry, impacting fields as diverse as psychology, biology, and politics. Aristotle's systematic approach to knowledge and his emphasis on empirical observation continue to influence modern thought and inquiry.

Did Aristotle predict end of world?

No Aristotle did not predict the end of the world.

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Who said that there is nothing in the mind that does not first come in from the external world through the senses?


What was the name of Aristotle's teacher?

Plato taught Aristotle, although Aristotle fundamentally disagreed with the vast majority of his teacher's ideas.

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What did aristotle first propose?

Aristotle believed in a geocentric model. He also believed that the world was spherical.

How did Aristotle concluded that earth was round?

Aristotle concluded that the world is round by realizing that the farther the ship goes the more of it disapears.

Were Aristotle and Macedonia connected at all?

In a manner of speaking, Aristotle was a teacher to Alexander the Great, the Macedonian King who almost conquered the world.

How are Aristotle Plato and Socrates important to your world?

Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates are important in shaping the foundation of Western philosophy and influencing various fields of study such as ethics, politics, and metaphysics. Their ideas and teachings continue to have a profound impact on contemporary thought and have helped to shape our understanding of the world.

Was Aristotle onassis the richest man in the world?

oh yeah

which greek philosopher believed the reality was in the physical world?
