

How did Greek democracy work?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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8y ago

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every free man has the right to self-repesentation in deciding government policy and law

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King Boyer

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Q: How did Greek democracy work?
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Pericles strengthened the greek democracy

How did Greek philosophers view democracy?

i dont know it hard and i work on history xD

Was the democracy in America the first democracy ever crated?

No, the ancient greek invented democracy and the first to use it. Democracy roughly translates to "the people rule" from greek

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Direct Democracy

Who ran the greek democracy?

Not all Greek city states had a democracy. Athens is the best example of a democracy. A democracy is run by the people. In Athens, all free adult males voted on issues.

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Democracy is started in Greek, Athen Democracy is started in Greek, Athen

How did greek direct democracy work?

every free man has the right to self-repesentation in deciding government policy and law

What is the origin of democracy?

the origin of the word emocracy if greek. -------------------------- emocracy? Democracy is indeed greek but i don't think that's what they were asking. Democracy originated before the turn of the 5th century.

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Why did greek tragedy plays have kings in their plays because greek is democracy state?

simple because they wanted to show there democracy -c0302054

What Greek city state was known for it's democracy?

Athens was the birthplace of democracy.

Where does the word democracy come from?

the word democracy derived from an ancient greek term