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Jack the ripper killed five prostitutes by cutting their throats in two places. After they were dead, he stripped and mutilated them by removing some of their organs. In the related links box below, I posted some new information about a suspect you should read.

//None of the Ripper's victims were stripped of their clothes. The clothing was cut to allow access to the abdomins for the mutilation that followed. Except for the cutting and disarrangement, all victims were clothed with the exception of Mary Jane Kelly who was the only victim killed indoors. Kelly was in her underwear when murdered.
Surprisingly, a full understanding of the Ripper's modus operandi was not established until several years ago. The Whitechapel murderer and his victim stood facing each other. When she lifted her skirts, the victim's hands were occupied and was then defenseless. The Ripper seized the women by their throats and strangled them until they were unconscious if not dead. The autopsies constantly revealed clear indications that the victims had been strangled. In the past some writers believed that the Ripper struck from behind when the victims were bent forward, their skirts hiked up their backsides while waiting to engage in anal sex. This is a very awkward arrangement and the risk that they may scream or elude his clutch's make this unacceptable. The Ripper then lowered his victims to the ground, their heads to his left. This has been proven by the position of the bodies in relation to walls and fences that show that there was virtually no room for the murderer to attack the body from the left side. No bruising on the back of the heads shows that he lowered the bodies to the ground rather than throwing or letting them fall. Given the inclement weather and filth in the streets it is unacceptable that the prostitutes or their client would have attempted intercourse on the ground. He cut the throats when the women were on the ground. Splatter stains show that the blood pooled beside or under the neck and head of the victim rather than the front which is where the blood would flow if they had been standing up. In one case blood was found on the fence some 14 inches or so from the ground and opposite the neck wound and this shows that the blood spurted from the body while in the prone position on the ground. This method also prevented the killer from being unduly blood stained. By reaching over from the victim's right side to cut the left side of her throat, the blood flow would have been directed away from him, which would have reduced the amount of blood in which he would have been exposed. If the victim was already dead before their throats were cut, then the blood spilt would have not been very much. With the heart no longer beating the blood would not have been "pressurized," so only the blood in the immediate area of the wound would have evacuated gently from the cuts. The Ripper then made his other mutilations, still from the victim's right side, or possibly while straddling over the body at or near the feet. In several cases the legs had been pushed up which would have shortened the distance between the abdomen and the feet. No sign of intercourse was ever detected nor did the Ripper masturbate over the bodies. Usually he took a piece of the victim's viscera. The taking of a "trophy" is a common practice by modern sexual serial killers. In the opinion of most of the surgeons who examined the bodies, most believed that the killer had to have some degree of anatomical knowledge to do what he did. In one case he removed a kidney from the front rather than from the side, and did not damage any of the surrounding organs while doing so. In another case he removed the sexual organs with one clean stroke of the knife. Given the time circumstances of the crimes (outside, often in near total darkness, keeping one eye out for the approach of others, and under extremely tight time constraints), the Ripper almost certainly would have had some experience in using his knife.

On studying what is left of the autopsy reports and records of the inquests after each of the Ripper murders, the most likely conclusions were that the victims had their throats cut first from behind. Small bruises on several of the victims indicate the killer clapped a hand over the mouth, silencing the victim while at the same time exposing the throat better. There were no defensive wounds meaning that the women were silenced before they could put up a fight. Covering the mouth from behind and cutting the throat could be accomplished in a second or two. Once the killer cut the throats they would be unable to scream.* The killer from behind would also have protected him from much of the arterial spray from the neck wounds. Eased down onto their backs, the front of the bodies were fully exsposed for the mutilations that followed.

*The neck wounds were so severe as to almost decapitate the victims.
Slit throats, disembowelment, cutting off the female genitalia.

Surprisingly, a full understanding of the Ripper's modus operandi was not established until several years ago. The Whitechapel murderer and his victim stood facing each other. When she lifted her skirts, the victim's hands were occupied and was then defenseless. The Ripper seized the women by their throats and strangled them until they were unconscious if not dead. The autopsies constantly revealed clear indications that the victims had been strangled. In the past some writers believed that the Ripper struck from behind when the victims were bent forward, their skirts hiked up their backsides while waiting to engage in anal sex. This is a very awkward arrangement and the risk that they may scream or elude his clutch's make this unacceptable. The Ripper then lowered his victims to the ground, their heads to his left. This has been proven by the position of the bodies in relation to walls and fences that show that there was virtually no room for the murderer to attack the body from the left side. No bruising on the back of the heads shows that he lowered the bodies to the ground rather than throwing or letting them fall. Given the inclement weather and filth in the streets it is unacceptable that the prostitutes or their client would have attempted intercourse on the ground. He cut the throats when the women were on the ground. Splatter stains show that the blood pooled beside or under the neck and head of the victim rather than the front which is where the blood would flow if they had been standing up. In one case blood was found on the fence some 14 inches or so from the ground and opposite the neck wound and this shows that the blood spurted from the body while in the prone position on the ground. This method also prevented the killer from being unduly blood stained. By reaching over from the victim's right side to cut the left side of her throat, the blood flow would have been directed away from him, which would have reduced the amount of blood in which he would have been exposed. If the victim was already dead before their throats were cut, then the blood spilt would have not been very much. With the heart no longer beating the blood would not have been "pressurized," so only the blood in the immediate area of the wound would have evacuated gently from the cuts. The Ripper then made his other mutilations, still from the victim's right side, or possibly while straddling over the body at or near the feet. In several cases the legs had been pushed up which would have shortened the distance between the abdomen and the feet. No sign of intercourse was ever detected nor did the Ripper masturbate over the bodies. Usually he took a piece of the victim's viscera. The taking of a "trophy" is a common practice by modern sexual serial killers. In the opinion of most of the surgeons who examined the bodies, most believed that the killer had to have some degree of anatomical knowledge to do what he did. In one case he removed a kidney from the front rather than from the side, and did not damage any of the surrounding organs while doing so. In another case he removed the sexual organs with one clean stroke of the knife. Given the time circumstances of the crimes (outside, often in near total darkness, keeping one eye out for the approach of others, and under extremely tight time constraints), the Ripper almost certainly would have had some experience in using his knife.

-Casebook: Jack the ripper-

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Forensics being what they were in the Victorian era (almost nonexistant), the exact type of knife would have been almost impossible to ascertain. That being said, the most likely scenario given the evidence at the crime scenes and from the autopsy reports, or what was left of them, the killer most likely cut the victim's throats first from behind. There was no struggle, no sound was heard even with people a short distance away, From behind, the killer would have avoided much of the blood spray from the neck wound. The throats were cut from left to right, which is consistant with a right-handed killer. Cutting the throats frist would have guaranteed the victims would not be able to scream. Most of the victims were nearly decapitated but the deep neck wounds. Once the throats were cut and the victims lowered to the ground the Ripper got busy on the disembowlment.

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How did ripper kill?

If you mean Jack the Ripper, he killed his victims with a knife, cutting the throats of women and then cutting out vital organs.

Did Jack the Ripper kill from 1988 until 1990?

No. He killed five victims in 1888

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Who were the victims of Jack the Ripper and what were they like?

I posted the most complete website on Jack the Ripper in the related links box below. When you click that, you will transported to the victims page.

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How did Jack the Ripper's victims die?

he ripped them apart

What was Jack The Ripper's ideal style of killing?

Jack The Ripper's MO (modus operandi) was cutting the throats of his victims and then mutilating them, and in some victims he took internal organs.

What did 'ripper' mean?

Jack the Ripper, sliced his victims open and removed some of the their internal organs, he literally 'ripped' his victims apart.

What was the job of most of Jack the Ripper's murder victims?

There were token protests from a few family members and/or significant others as to the profession of their loved ones after meeting with Jack The Ripper, but the truth is without exception the Ripper's victims were full/part/occational prostitutes.

Where did Jack the Ripper kill people?

With few exceptions*, the Ripper's crimes were contained within London's east end known as the Whitechapel and Spitalfields districts. Home to the poorest of the poor, the Ripper preyed on victims that were at a serious disadvantage, mostly alcoholic and homeless prostitutes.

What did Jack the Ripper kill his victims with?

i belive it was a long butchers knive it needs to be a strong blade to do the work needed to get the organs however it could be a knive from where he worked a hospital