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With great difficulty

Answer:God had Moses announce in advance the time and nature of the plagues which He brought upon the Egyptians (Exodus ch.7-12). After the tenth plague, Pharaoh freed the Israelites (Exodus ch.12).
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11y ago
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12y ago

Moses was instructed to free his people, Israel, by God.

Moses did so first by showing his people signs that God spoke to him. After the people believed, Moses went to show Pharoah. Pharoah, however, was not easily convinced. Bathed in his own pride and glory, Pharoah was hit with plagues by God. (You can say God already had a warrant out for Pharoah, as he called himself God on earth).

Pharoah was finally convinced (somewhat), and let the Israelites go free (including their money and cattle, which Moses had to go back again to ask for).

Pharoah had a change in heart towards the end, becoming enraged at the plagues and the death of his son (the final plague on Egypt was death of the first born child, a revenge by God for Ramses I killing the Israelite children long ago).

When Pharoah chased the people of Israel, Moses lifted his rod and God split the waters of the Red Sea in two, letting them pass. When Pharoah entered the water, however, his army was washed away as God let go of the split waters. This is such the power of God.

So, this dawned the freedom of the people of Israel, which God delivered through Moses.

(Not bad eh. And guess what? I'm not a Muslim, Christian, or Jew. I study religion a lot though lol)

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12y ago

Moses was the spokesman for God who convinced Pharaoh to let His people go free via successive plaques. The last one, killing of all the 1st born of Egypt known as the 1st Passover set them free. They left in a hurry during the Days of Unleavened Bread that proceeded directly after the Passover.

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11y ago

Moses didn't liberate the Israelites. For one thing, they were called Hebrews, then, and were not Israelites until they went to Israel (which is where Moses led them.) But The Bible tells us Moses asked the Egyptian ruler to let the Hebrews go free, and the ruler said no. Then, God sent plagues on the Egyptians until the ruler gave in. The final plague was the death of the first-born son of all the Egyptian families. That was enough, and the Egyptians said, "Go, already!"

But then, after the Hebrews left, the Egyptian ruler changed his mind, and sent the army after them. That's when Moses crossed the Red Sea, which parted for the Hebrews, but closed back while the Egyptian army was half way across, and they all drowned, so there was nobody left to chase the Hebrews.

So, in end, God liberated the Hebrews. Moses was just their leader while God did it.

Answer:The beginning of the above answer is mistaken. They were called Israelites long before they entered the land, because they were/are descended from Israel (a.k.a. Jacob; see Genesis ch.35).

We Jews usually do not call ourselves Hebrews, since that is more generic than "Israelite."

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13y ago

He didn't. It was God who lead them, Moses was following his lead.

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According to traditional chronology, it was in 1312 BCE.

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