

How did Poseidon figure out he had powers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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He was born a god in Greek Mythology, so aspects of nature and divinity were to be expected.

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Q: How did Poseidon figure out he had powers?
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Poseidon is a mythical god. It is therefore impossible to be his son or to "get" powers that never were.

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Poseidon's Trident did give powers, for example he can control the waves and size, time and width of them!

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No, he cannot.

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Poseidon wasn't really a hero but his powers made him seem like a hero

What were the powers of Poseidon the greek god?

The Greeks viewed their gods as being omnipotent. Poseidon didn't have set powers, though he did have special providence over earthquakes.

What is Poseidon's relationship with other gods?

Figure it out.

What powers does Poseidon?

to control the motion and flow of the sea

What were the powers of Poseidon?

earthquakes, horses, and storms in the ocean

What training did Poseidon have?

The gods had all their powers from the startt.

What Poseidon's powers?

rotating poo in the sea. i think.