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Rosa Parks was able to accomplish all that she did because she was very determined, she had an organized group to support her efforts, and most important, the time had come to take action. She was the right person in the right place a the right time. She had the quite and unassuming reserve that inspired people to do great things.

Every American should know the story of Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was a special influence on a large number of people at a critical time and place in American history. Her great claim to fame is that she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in 1955. For this refusal, she was arrested.

She was not the first person to be arrested for this crime, but at the time she was working as a volunteer for the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), so she was personally familiar to all of the civil rights leaders in her community. Because of her age, martial status and other demographic factors, they recognized her as the perfect symbol around which the people could rally. She was not chosen to be such a symbol before she committed her act of defiance. Her decision to break this immoral law was a spontaneous one. The boycott which followed was very carefully planned.

Rosa Parks lived in Birmingham, Alabama. At the time, this also happened to be the home of Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lead the boycott that followed the arrest of Rosa Parks. It laster for over a year. African American citizens refused to ride the buses of Birmingham until they were allowed to sit in the front. The bus companies needed the revenue from the African American community, but they stubbornly refused to give in for over a year!

African Americans with cars volunteered to help transport each other around the city until the boycott was lifted. It was an enormously important event.

Other enormously important events of this time period were:

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. The Board of Education (1954) and the 1953 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom where Dr. Martin Luther King gave his I Have a Dream speech.

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She was forced off after she refused to move to the back of the bus and the police were called.

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On the bus, I believe.

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Where was Rosa parks when she got kicked off?

When Rosa Parks got kicked off the bus she was in Montgomery, Alabama

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Who is the black women who wouldn't get off the bus?

Rosa Parks.

What did Rosa Parks do when bus driver told her to get off the bus?

She refused to give up ger suit, and she was arrested.

What did the police say to Rosa parks when she would not get off the bus?

They just said that she is areastessd

What happen to Rosa parks after she went on the bus?

She was arrested, taken off the bus, handcuffed, taken to the prescient and fined 5.00.

What is the name of the Black American woman who did not get off a bus chair for a white American man?

Rosa Parks.

What did the Rosa parks bus boycott do to their ordinarly lives?

The Rosa Parks bus boycott sparked off a revolution in the anti-racism movement. She inspired many coloured people to stand up for their rights which has improved increasingly since. Hope this helped.

What woman changed the world by refusing to get off a bus?

I think you're talking about Rosa Parks, and she didn't refuse to get off the bus, she refused to take a seat in the back of the bus which was designated for blacks.

What is Rosa Parks is known for?

Rosa Parks on December 1, 1955, when a white passenger entered an already full bus, the bus driver asked Rosa Parks and three other African-Americans sitting in her row, to stand up. The others stood up; Rosa Parks remained seated. Rosa Parks was arrested because of that action. After that Rosa became famous. That action of Rosa Park became an example to all black Americans in a time when they were looking for equal rights. A bus boycott began and it worked. The blow was lethal. Since the rest of the civil rights movement stemmed from what became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks is known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.

Did Rosa Parks get kicked off the bus?

Rosa Parks wasn't kicked off a bus in 1943; that was the year she began working as a volunteer for the NAACP. She was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat for a white man on December 1, 1955.