

How did Shi Huangdi improve china's roads and canals?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did Shi Huangdi improve china's roads and canals?
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Who is Shi Huangdi?

Shi huangdi was the first emperor of china. He united china china for the first time. He built roads and canals and started to the great wall of china. He also made a standard system of laws, money, weights, and writing system in china.

What is roads and canals in the north?

"In the north of where?" Here, in Britain, we have many roads and canals in the north.

How did the canals and new roads affect the economy?

The roads and the canals affect the economy because

What did Shi Huangdi build?

he built roads

Did the south want the government built roads and canals?

The West wanted government-built roads and canals.

How did better roads and canals lead to more industrializtion?

Better roads and canals meant that goods could be transported more easily and quicker.

Why did Henry Clay want to improve the transportation system in the United States?

Improved roads and canals would allow goods to move more easily to and from the west.

What impact did roads and canals have on farmers?

Roads were bumpy, so farmers couldn't move their goods to the market. Canals helped farmers with transportation. After the invention of canals, profits soared and production increased.