

Why do samurai become samurai?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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13y ago

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Samurai is a class like caste and it's hereditary. Therefore, the sons of farmers were destined to be farmers and samurai's son were samurai.

However, there were rare cases for some to be in samurai class. One is to show great talents in swordsmanship and others include becoming great scholars. It's very rare, though.

Inside the samurai class, there was also hierarchy, and it does not always mean upgrading the status if one becomes samurai from the other classes as many samurais were poor. It was more like hereditary occupations.

It was hereditary, but sometimes someone who was in favour with the higher authority could become a Samurai such as the English sailor Williams Adams who sailed to Japan but later became a Samurai

actually being a samurai took many talents including heredity but that doesn't mean your destined to become a farmer. you see Japanese society was broken down in classes. durning the time off the samurai the shogun was like the "lord" or king. after him was the damiyo or someone who does the kings work(sometimes!) and the samurai. if you worked up in ranks you could have a chance to be a samurai. to be a samurai took many years of dedication and training. if caught in a dirty deed a samurai would commit ritual suicide to peserve his personal honor.

At mid 1500 the separation law came. Before it anyone who could afford training could become a samurai, after that you had to be the son of a samurai.

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9y ago
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13y ago

Samurai don't become Samurai, they are born in to a samurai clan. Generally both parents come from a Samurai family, but the father has to be a Samurai if the son is to be a Samurai. So it's kind of like asking why do royals become royal?

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15y ago

The Samurai of the East (Orient) were the same as the Knights of the West (Occident). Both Knights and Samurai were armored fighting men that fought for their Kings/Lords. Whatever disputes those Kings or Lords had within their kingdoms, their Knights/Samurai did their fighting for them.

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14y ago

the samurai was created because japan was in the feudal system of government. lords would hire the samurai to protect them until they die, and in exchange the samurai would be given land to farm and live on.

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11y ago

"Samurai" meant different things at different times. Initially they were effectively a servant class ("samurai" means "to serve"). As time went on they became an aristocracy, specializing (often) in war. During the time of aristocratic samurai (which is what most are familiar with), they, like the knights of the western world, were assigned their titles and duties by higher-ups. Heredity often played a large role in this regard and you would therefore sometimes find samurai families.

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13y ago

Samurai don't become Samurai, they are born in to a samurai clan. Generally both parents come from a Samurai family, but the father has to be a Samurai if the son is to be a Samurai.

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15y ago

In Japan, you have to be born into a samurai family. you can be adopted into a samurai family though.

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15y ago

For the very same reasons the Knights in the West came into existence; Kings/Lords needed champions to fight for them. Feudal wars.

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14y ago

you were born into a samurai family or adopted

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