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Cleopatra defended Egypt from the growing Roman Empire. Romans were taking over many places at the time, but Egypt fought them and did not become a part of it.

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Q: How did Cleopatra change the world?
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Was Cleopatras and ceasers baby ptolemy?

The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.The child that Cleopatra said was Caesar's was named Ptolemy XV. In Egypt, Cleopatra gave him the nickname Caesarion.

What nationality was Cleopatra?

Cleopatra, like all of the Ptolomies, was Greek.

Was Cleopatra family involved with the royal families?

Of course. Cleopatra's family was the royal family.

How do you pronounce Cleopatra's fathers name?

Cleopatra was a throne name used by nearly all the Greek queens of Egypt. the Cleopatra who was involved with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony and was the last queen of Egypt before the Roman takeover, is known to the modern world as Cleopatra VII. Her father was Ptolemy XII Auletes. Ptolemy was the throne name used by most of the kings of Egypt from the death of Alexander until the Romans took over. The correct pronunciation of Ptolemy would be as if spelled in English as Tol-em-me.

Did Cleopatra marry ptolemy XIII?

Yes, Cleopatra did marry Ptolemy XIII. When he died she married er other brother, Ptolemy XIV. The two brothers were the only husbands that Cleopatra had.

Related questions

What did Cleopatra do to change the world today?

Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to change the world neither in her own time nor in our time today.

Did Cleopatra change the world?

Cleopatra changed the world. She prevented the Greeks from succeeding with a French invasion. Thus, they were not psychologically ready to continue their quest for world domination.

What impact did Cleopatra have on the world?

Cleopatra had a great impact on the world of her time. She was the catalyst that caused the final civil war which brought Octavian to power and the change in the Roman government.

How did Cleopatra change the world or the society?

she farted and it got all messed up

What is Cleopatra' legacy to the world?

Cleopatra's legacy to the world is, "Don't mess with snakes!"

What is Cleopatra's maiden name?

Cleopatra's maiden name was Cleopatra. Ancient women did not change their names upon marriage.

How did Cleopatra change history?

Cleopatra changes history because she was the only female and she learned the egytian language

Did Cleopatra have a lot of money?

Yes, Cleopatra was one of the wealthiest women in the ancient world.

What did Cleopatra do to change egypt?

She lost the country. Because of Cleopatra, Egypt lost its independence and became a province of Rome.

What did Cleopatra's actions do to help the world after she died?

Cleopatra's actions never helped the world. In fact none of her actions affected the world one way or another.

What impact did Cleopatra make on kther peoples lives?

Cleopatra had a great impact on the world of her time.

Who is the last Cleopatra?

The last important Cleopatra was Cleopatra VII. She is the one who is so famous and misunderstood. There may have been other Cleopatras after her as Cleopatra was a very common name in the Hellenistic world.