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Q: How did general lees' war plan change after the victory at Chancellorsville?
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Which battle did lees army defeat the union?

Second Manassas, Seven Days, Chancellorsville…

Where is Robert E. Lees right arm buried?

Lee did not lose an arm, it was Jackson, who was wounded then died at Chancellorsville..There the arm is buried.

How might lees brilliant successes at fredericksburg and chancellorsville contribute to his defeat at Gettysburg?

leee may have been defeated because he was to over confident from his past 2 victoreis/...................

What was the name of general lees army?

Army of Northern Virginia.

What was Robert E. Lees background?

He was a Confederate general

What were Robert E. Lees major victories?

Winning the Battle of Chancellorsville through deception tactics that completely foxed the Union commander Joe Hooker, forcing him to fight on unfavourable terrain.

Why was Phil sheridan's victory a disaster for lees army?

Sheridan's victory at Five Forks meant the loss of the South Side Railway, and signaled a turning point in the war. After Sheridan's troops defeated General Pickett, Richmond and Petersburg could no longer be held by the Confederates. Within days, Lee would to surrender at Appomattox.

What was general lees plan for winning the war?

To invade Maryland, and bring it into the Confederacy.

At petersburg where did grant defeat general lees army?

after nine month standoff

What was general lees reason for turning down the union army?

Loyalty to his state (Virginia).

Why was Phil Sheridan's victory at Five Forks a disaster for Lee's army?

Why was philip sheridans victory at five forks a disaster for lees army

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