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A fly laid its eggs in the body. The eggs hatched into maggots. That's what a maggot is - the larval form of a fly. It is probably one of a few species of insects that have a stinger-like abdomen, called an ovipositor, that digs down through the skin and lays the eggs under the skin. In this case, the larvae feed on the flesh of the host and eat their way to the surface of the skin. It's quite disgusting, really, especially when seen on a human face.

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13y ago

An adult fly might have landed and planted the eggs.

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Q: How did maggots get inside a living bunny?
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Can you be alive with maggots living inside you?

Yes. Maggots tend to eat only dead tissue. If you think you're infested, get to a doctor.

Do maggots effect hamsters health?

yes if the maggots are inside your hamster. they eat the tissues inside your hamsters

What is a sea bunny?

A sea bunny, or sea hare, is an underwater creature that is a hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is a living thing with two sexes inside one body.

How do you know if maggots are in side you?

If you think there might be maggots inside of you, you should see a doctor, asap. Maggots normally occur on corpses only.

How do maggots get inside corpses and rotten food?

Flies are drawn to the rotting material and get inside of it and lay their eggs. When the eggs hatch, there are the maggots. They then feed on the rotting meat.

Do maggots affect things?

yes maggots do affect things because they are the most deadliest thing living on earth.

What are the things inside strawberries?

maggots and seeds and dog poo

Does fecal mater produce maggots?

No. Maggots are living organisms. Fecal mater is dead cells and other waste material. Nothing living comes from something dead. But eggs (living) that hatch when flies (living) lay them on fecal mater can be produced.

Can maggots crawl into ears?

Nothing, provided you did not have some sort of infection in that ear that was killing flesh. maggots do not eat living flesh.

What would eat the inside of a squirrel and leave the outside intact?


Can maggots hurt animals?

Yes, they feed on the living flesh of living animals, as well as dead flesh.

Can maggots grow on pork in sealed container?

Yes they can. Maggots got inside of the container when an adult fly laid its eggs in the container before it was sealed.