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Rocket man, burning out his fuels out here alone, and i thinks gunna be a long long time, rocket man

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Q: How did nationalism and Gandhi's non-violent methods lead to independence from Great Britain for India?
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What was the goal of Mohandas Gandhis campaign of nonviolent civil disobedience?

To achieve Independence from Britain without bloodshed

What was gandhis main goal?

His goal was to improve immigrant Indians and Hindus rights and to bring freedom to India in a nonviolent way.

Why did millions of Indians go to gandhis funeral?

Because he was one of the greatest figures in India at that time. he helped gained independence from Britain in 1947, just after the had stopped, and was a role model for so many.

What are Gandhis achievements?

Gandhi's achievement his leading his country India to independence.

Describe gandhis protest against the salt tax?

It was a campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial ... against the salt tax continued for almost a year, ending with Gandhi's .

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What is Indra gandhis slogan?

India can do it

What was gandhis campaign?

salt march

What is gandhis' name?

kamla nehru

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What was the name of gandhis children?

holly and maisie

What is gandhis mother name?

kamla nehru